Chaos Group V-Ray 5更新1.4(构建5.10.24)适用于Cinema 4D | 解压后1.93 Gb
软件开发商Chaos Group很高兴地宣布为C4D提供V-Ray 5.10.24。维护版本是不添加新功能或内容的产品版本。这个维护版本旨在解决5.10.23版本中的小问题和“bug”。



Chaos Group为C4D发行了V-Ray 5。这个版本的渲染插件包含了许多来自V-Ray 5和V-Ray Next的新特性,这使得这个版本基本上是4D电影院V-Ray的两次升级。

V-Ray 5的内置合成和交互式光混合使用户能够微调和完成渲染,而无需重新渲染或转到单独的应用程序。对于快速交互式渲染和最终产品渲染,V-Ray可以在图形处理器、中央处理器或两者的组合上渲染。借助V-Ray的分布式渲染,用户可以使用多台机器更快地渲染。渲染作业也可以直接发送到混沌云,混沌集团的云渲染服务。用户现在可以利用V-Ray工具来帮助他们更智能地工作。这包括自动相机曝光和白平衡、即时人工智能驱动的降噪等。

C4D V-Ray 5更新1.4(构建5.10.24)是维护版本,旨在解决5.10.23版本中的小问题和“bug”。

Chaos Group是计算机图形技术的全球领导者,帮助艺术家和设计师为建筑、设计和视觉效果创建逼真的图像和动画。世界各地的顶级设计工作室、建筑公司、广告公司和视觉效果公司每天都在使用混沌集团屡获殊荣的基于物理的渲染和模拟软件。如今,该公司在光线追踪渲染、云计算和实时光线追踪方面的研发正在塑造创意故事和数字设计的未来。混沌集团成立于1997年,为私人所有,在索非亚、洛杉矶、布拉格、首尔和东京设有办事处。

产品:Chaos Group V-Ray
尺寸:1.9 Gb

2.将文件“cgauth.dll”复制到C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R20\plugins\V-Ray\res\libs\win64

Chaos Group V-Ray 5 Update 1.4 (build 5.10.24) for Cinema4D | 1.9 Gb
The software developer Chaos Group is pleased to announce the availability of V-Ray 5.10.24 for Cinema 4D. A maintenance release is a release of a product that does not add new features or content. This maintenance release intended to solve minor problems and “bugs” in 5.10.23 release.

Build 5.10.24 (Update 1.4) Official release – Date: Oct 27, 2021

Bug fixes
– Incorrect texture rendering when the UVW tag is placed after the material tag
– V-Ray Bitmap “No Tiling” option does not work
– Fix broken hyper link inside the Update dialog

Chaos Group has released V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D. This version of their rendering plugin includes many new features from both V-Ray 5 and V-Ray Next, making this release essentially two upgrades of V-Ray for Cinema 4D in one.

V-Ray 5’s built-in compositing and interactive light mixing enable users to fine-tune and finish their renders without having to re-render or go to a separate app. For fast interactive rendering and final production rendering, V-Ray can render on GPUs, CPUs, or a combination of both. With V-Ray’s distributed rendering, users can render faster using multiple machines. Render jobs can also be sent directly to Chaos Cloud, Chaos Group’s cloud rendering service.Users can now take advantage of V-Ray tools that help them work smarter. This includes automatic camera exposure and white balance, instant AI-driven noise reduction, and much more.

V-Ray 5 Update 1.4 (build 5.10.24) for Cinema 4D is maintenance release intended to solve minor problems and “bugs” in 5.10.23 release.

Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photorealistic imagery and animation for architecture, design, and visual effects. Chaos Group’s award-winning physically-based rendering and simulation software is used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company’s research and development in ray-traced rendering, cloud computing and real-time ray tracing is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Prague, Seoul, and Tokyo.

Product: Chaos Group V-Ray
Version: 5 Update 1.4 (build 5.10.24)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
Size: 1.9 Gb

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