evermotion–建筑模型第234卷 大小解压后:894M

Archmodels vol. 234包括建筑可视化的专业低多边形3d模型。它配有57种建筑模型和14套城市套装,采用所有纹理和材料。该系列包含优化的低多边形模型(一栋建筑从600到几千个多边形),非常适合大面积填充,适合从空中透视的场景。所有对象都可以在可视化中使用。

所呈现的模型是用3ds max渲染的。

Evermotion – Archmodels vol. 234

Archmodels vol. 234 includes professional low poly 3d models for architectural visualizations. It comes with 57 models of buildings and 14 city sets with all textures and materials. This collection contains optimized, low-poly models (from 600 to couple thousand polys for a building), perfect for populating large areas, suitable for scenes framed from an aerial perspective. All objects are ready to use in your visualizations.

Presented models were rendered in V-Ray with 3ds max.
14 sets included with additional models of sidewalks, trees, city props and street.
Scenes are not included.
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