开发一个听起来像人的语音助手或销售聊天机器人,它可以说任何语言,具有11个实验室和ChatGPT AI,与ChatGPT和11个实验室一起开发一个类似人类的语音助手,使之成为当今最先进的聊天机器人之一,这样你就可以证明,不仅编码员会在人工智能中生存下来转型正在发生,但他们会茁壮成长。ChatGPT AI Voice Chatbot Build with React and FAST API Combo
只需一些python和javascript的基础知识,您就可以构建Rachel Chat,这是一个聊天机器人,它使用ChatGPT的能力进行对话,无论是销售、教您西班牙语(或任何语言)、谈论科幻电影,无论您的兴趣和应用是什么。公司都在寻找可以构建这样的工具和SAAS的开发者创业公司有机会成为第一。如果你好奇如何连接新的人工智能改变世界的技术然后这个是适合你的课程。
由Shaun McDonogh创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译) 时长:5小时15分钟
将ChatGPT和Eleven Labs AI集成到任何应用程序中
Develop a Human Sounding Voice Assistant or Sales Chatbot That Speaks ANY Language Featuring Eleven Labs and ChatGPT AI
What you’ll learn
Develop a realistic human sounding chatbot who can take on almost any task
Integrate ChatGPT and Eleven Labs AI into any application
Develop a diverse chatbots with voice, interviewers, sales people, Spanish teachers
Understand how full stack applications with a frontend and backend can work
Get familiar with React and FastAPI technologies
Interact with AI real-time in a fun and exciting way
Understand prompt engineering and the ease of integration into chatbots
Must have done some basic programming in Javascript, Python, HTML and CSS.
Develop a human-like voice assistant with ChatGPT and Eleven Labs to make one of the most advanced Chatbots today so that you can prove that not only will coders survive the AI transition happening right now, but that they will thrive.With just some basic knowledge on python and javascript, you are going to build Rachel Chat, a chatbot which uses the power of ChatGPT for conversation, whether it be for sales, teaching you Spanish (or any language), talking about sci-fi movies – whatever your interest and application is.Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.You will learn:How to work with the Open AI API and Eleven Labs APIHow to integrate React and FastAPI to build efficient and robust full-stack applicationsHow to build a voice assistant that actually sounds human (you can even use your own voice)How to perform prompt engineering so that you can truly leverage and customise the power of AI large language modelsWe are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.See you in class!Shaun
Who this course is for
Beginner developer and AI enthusiasts who want to build valuable applications to bring to themselves or to the marketplace.
SAAS developers who want to monetise on the booming trend of AI
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