Unreal Engine虚幻游戏引擎素材资源 Unreal Engine Marketplace –Rifle Animset Pro步枪动作
动画在模板Unreal Engine 4骨架上烘焙为单独的1-take FBX文件。它们可以开箱即用地导入到UE4中的任何角色,使用模板Epic骨架,或者重定目标到UE4中的任何其他骨架。动画分为两个版本:原地和根运动。
该包还包括一个Maya 2015文件,其中包含一个UE4模板骨架,装备到HumanIK装备。可以将包含的任何动画导入其中,并使用装备对动画进行更改。
该包还包括一个Motionbuilder 2015文件,其中包含一个UE4模板骨架,装备到HumanIK装备。可以将包含的任何动画导入其中,并使用装备对动画进行更改。
该包还包括一个Motionbuilder 2015多任务文件,其中包含所有动画。里面的角色用Motionbuilder HIK rig来描述。
源文件可以在这里找到。。。Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache\RifleAnimsetPro\data\Content\RifleAnimsetPro\Source
With animations from Movement Animset Pro you can build a seamless third person perspective character movement for your game. The animations are universal, so you can use them for any setting you like – SciFi, Fantasy etc. This set not only includes walking, running and sneaking looped animations in all directions, but also all the transition animations needed to build a truly smooth and realistic motion. Various fist fighting, button pushing, jumping aniamtions are also included.
This product does not contain any code or Blueprints. Just animations to build your own game in Unreal Engine 4.
Animations are baked on UE4 Template Skeleton and properly configured inside the editor. Every animation has two versions – with Root Motion and In-Place (with root not moving).
A multitake FBX source file is included and can be found in \Content\RifleAnimsetPro\SourceFiles\RAPUE4_SourceFile.zip (not visible in editor).
The animations are baked on a Template Unreal Engine 4 skeleton as a separate 1-take FBX files. They can be imported out-of-the-box to any character inside UE4, that uses a template Epic skeleton, or retargeted to any other skeleton within UE4. Animations are in 2 versions: in-place and with Root Motion.
The pack also includes a Maya 2015 file, with a UE4 Template Skeleton, rigged to HumanIK rig. You can import any included animation to it and make changes to the animation, using the rig.
The pack also includes a Motionbuilder 2015 file, with a UE4 Template Skeleton, rigged to HumanIK rig. You can import any included animation to it and make changes to the animation, using the rig.
The pack also includes a Motionbuilder 2015 multitake file, with all animations in it. The character inside is characterized with Motionbuilder HIK rig.
Technical Description – (Choose from Questions Below depending on category)
Animations (also listed in PDF in .zip file) for Template Skeleton:
Source files can be found here… Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache\RifleAnimsetPro\data\Content\RifleAnimsetPro\Source



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