持续时间 16h 包含项目文件 1920X1080 MP4 大小:20G




这种仅支持流的培训是必备的学习工具。由INSYDIUM的粒子天才和粒子FX Trainer Jon Bosley打造,这个基于场景的系列适合有基本粒子知识的客户;章节按照逻辑顺序进行。中级和高级X粒子用户将受益于整个系列的深度细节。


–我们推荐Cinema 4D R20和X-Pixels build 724或更高版本,因为演示的一些效果使用了更新的功能,但是,如果您有以前的版本/构建,可以使用替代技术实现相同的效果。
–我们还建议您使用Cycles 4D(321或以上版本)或其他渲染引擎和Adobe After Effects。

Duration 16h Project Files Included MP4

Title: INSYDIUM – Particle FX Premium Training
This product gives you access to stream over 16 hours of pure X-Particles training plus 10 hours of additional free training covering rendering and compositing, all from your Customer Account.

Particle FX includes six great industry-relevant scenes and techniques for motion graphics, VFX, and product visualization. Each chapter comes with downloadable scene files so that you can dive straight in.

This streaming-only training is a must-have learning tool. Created by INSYDIUM’s particle genius and particle FX Trainer, Jon Bosley, this scene-based series is suitable for customers with basic particle knowledge; the chapters flow with logical progression. Intermediate level and advanced X-Particles users will benefit from the in-depth level of detail throughout the series.

We replicate everyday production workflows by combining the power of the X-Particles system with native Cinema 4D tools like Deformers, Effectors, and XPresso. The techniques you’ll learn in the scenes are transferable; you’ll be able to take what you’ve learned and utilize them in your personal projects.

Software Compatibility
– We recommend Cinema 4D R20 and X-Particles build 724 or above because some of the effects demonstrated use newer features, however, if you have previous versions/builds, the same effects can be achieved with alternative techniques.
– We also recommend that you have Cycles 4D (build 321 or above) or other render engines and Adobe After Effects.
– The minimum software requirements for the Premium Training videos are Cinema 4D version R16 and X-Particles build 642.

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