
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语|大小解压后:7.19 GB 含课程文件 |时长:10小时9分钟




学生评论Ganesh说:这门课非常适合使用Zbrush创建科幻机器人概念,Zbrush涵盖了在任何时间创建硬表面概念的伟大技术。阿方索·罗梅罗说:即使在感冒的时候,里奇·乔恩·梅森也会教授另一门执行得很好的课程。为Udemy,NextTut和Mason先生的努力干杯。你好,你想用坚硬的表面创造出真正酷的生物吗?如果是的话,这个课程绝对适合你!Hard Surface Creature Creation In Zbrush | Intermediate User

欢迎来到Nexttut education在Zbrush |中级用户课程中的硬面生物创作。我叫里奇·乔恩·梅森。我是一个自学的3D艺术家,在过去我曾为3D艺术家和3D世界杂志,日产。我也是游击队游戏的3D艺术家。目前在Warcradle studiosAt工作。在课程结束时,你将能够自信地使用zbrush和keyshot来雕刻坚硬的表面生物,你将能够轻松地创建坚硬的表面生物,并使用这些技术继续创建自己的模型。

我们将在本课程中介绍我们的创造物的整体造型添加机械部件使用织物进行接合创建外部装甲制作自定义插入使用角色准备好发送到keyshot渲染key shot然后将文件导入photoshopFirst首先我们将查看我们的基础网格,然后我们将粗略地绘制面板位置。我们将逐个检查每一件作品,创建装甲和织物,决定哪些部分用硬表面替换,当我们满意时,我们将开始绘制有机部分,然后在移动到keyshot之前,我们将检查模型,并为keyshot做好准备。一旦我们将它放入keyshot,我们将开始添加材料,找到最佳的渲染设置,然后将图像移入photoshop fir我们最终的合成图像我为中级zbrush用户制作了这个课程,但任何人都可以下载zbrush和keyshot,只使用Zbrush自带的东西开始创作。


Improve your hard surface creature sculpting and create stunning sci fi, robotic, hard surface creatures using Zbrush.

What you’ll learn
Hard surface mechanical part
Designing Creatures with hard surface and organic elements
Creating Armor
Working with fabrics for joints
Rendering in keyshot
Basic Zbrush and Keyshot knowledge
Student ReviewsGanesh says : This course is perfect for creating Sci-Fi Robotic concepts using Zbrush, great techniques covered to create Hard surface concepts in no time.Alfonso Romero says : Even While Having A Cold, Richie Jon Mason Delivers Another Well Executed Course. Cheers to Udemy, NextTut & Mr. Mason for their efforts.Hi, would you like to be able to create really cool creatures with hard surface partsWell if so this course is definitely for you !Welcome to Nexttut education’s Hard Surface Creature Creation in Zbrush | Intermediate User course .My name is Richie Jon mason . I am a self taught 3D artist, in the past I have worked for 3D artist and 3D world magazine, Nissan. I was also a 3D artist at Guerilla games . Currently working at Warcradle studiosAt the end of the course , you will be able sculpt hard surface creatures using zbrush and keyshot with confidence, you will be able to create a hard surface creature with ease and use the techniques to go on and create your own models.We will cover in this courseSculpt overall shape of our CreatureAdding mechanical partWorking with fabrics for jointsCreating outer ArmorMaking custom insertsPosing The characterGetting it ready to send to keyshotRendering in keyshot then bringing the files into photoshopFirst we will look at our base mesh, then we will roughly sculpt out the panel placements . We’ll go over each piece individually creating Armor and fabrics, deciding which parts to switch out with hard surface , when were happy with that we will start painting the organic parts, and then before moving to keyshot we will go though the model and prepare it ready for keyshot .Once we have it into keyshot we will start adding materials and find the best render settings then move the images into photoshop fir our final composite imageI made this course for intermediate Zbrush users but any one can download zbrush and keyshot and just start creating with only what zbrush comes with . All default settings, all real time, no speed ups, no skipping and completely step by step.So enrol now and start creating, Hard surface creature model today.

