GASCompanion v3.2.0 (4.27) 有没有想过在没有任何C++知识的情况下使用GAS?利用游戏能力系统的力量,这个插件提供了一个启动模板和一个健壮的基础来加速基于GAS的项目的创建和开发。GAS Companion旨在成为燃气动力项目的通用基地,而不做任何游戏设计选择。系统的各个部分旨在根据项目需求进行子类化和定制。它包括必要的初始C++设置,助手和附加功能,以开始一个新的项目,旨在使用Epic的GAS插件(即在堡垒之夜和Paragon中使用,并在Action RPG项目中展示)它使非C++开发人员能够仅使用蓝图与GAS一起工作。即使是非BP友好的,C++所需的GAS部分,如游戏属性,也可以用自定义的c++属性集生成向导来处理。同样,GAS Companion可以帮助正在考虑使用GAS的现有项目加速实施,或者提供指导。

Support for Modular Gameplay and Game Features (5.0 / 4.27 only)
Enhanced Input Integration (5.0 / 4.27 only)
Provided as a Plugin to easily share code between projects
Blueprint Friendly, no need to dive into the cpp side, you can implement Abilities right away
C++ Friendly too! You can easily extend from the provided C++ class and / or modify the plugin source.
Not Game Specific The plugin doesn’t make any assumptions about your game design and decisions, and was built to be generic enough to be used in any kind of game.
Flexible AttributeSet / Attributes framework Generate custom Attributes from the Editor with a hand-crafted AttributeSet Wizard.
Ability Queue System (with a Debug Widget! more information below)
Ignore Ability Cost feature (Possibility to “loosely” check cost for Abilities, more information here)
Melee Combo System Easy way to define melee abilities with combo capabilities
Gameplay Ability / Effects Definitions Data Driven way to specify common parent GA / GE classes that are accessible through File Menu
Straightforward UI framework with HUD UserWidget able to react to GAS related events (Support for custom attributes and events to listen for GameplayTags, GameplayEffects and CooldownStart / End)
AttributeSet default setup with most commonly used Attributes (Health, Stamina, Mana)
ASC on PlayerState (for Player characters) or on Pawns (for AI / NPC Characters)
AI Tasks Activate Abilities by Tags or Class from Behavior Trees


Ability Queue System

Store failed abilities and re-trigger when the previous running ability ends

Custom AbilitySystemComponent and GameplayAbility

Support for startup Attributes, Effects and Abilities
Activate abilities by Class / Tags (and return the activated ability)
Abilities with onAbilityEnded delegate (useful for Behavior Tree Tasks)
Abilities with Gameplay Effect Containers (inspired by Action RPG project)

Modular Gameplay Actors

Supports extension by Game Features and implements IAbilitySystemInterface

Component based Most of the API is provided by Actor Components (Core / Combo / Ability Queue)

Ability System helpers (Ability activation, Checking for GameplayTags, …)
Ability, Attributes and Character lifecycle Events (OnAbilityActivated / Commit / Ended / Failed, OnAttributeChange, OnDamage, OnDeath, OnGameplayTagChange, OnGameplayEffectStackChange, OnCooldownStart / End, …)

Code Modules:

GASCompanion (Runtime)
GASCompanionEditor (Editor)
GASCompanionDeveloper (UncookedOnly)
ModularGASCompanion (Runtime) – 4.27 only (removed in 5.0)
ModularGASCompanionEditor (Editor) – 4.27 only (removed in 5.0)

Number of Blueprints: 19

Number of C++ Classes: 103

Network Replicated: Yes

Version: 5.3.0 (5.0)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Version: 3.4.0 (4.27) / 2.1.1 (4.26) / 1.1.2 (4.24-4.25)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows / Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Xbox One, PS4

Important/Additional Notes: Although it should support all the mentioned platforms above, this plugin has been tested exclusively on Windows.

