Chaos发布了Phoenix 5,Update 1 (5.10.00),这是其用于3ds Max和Maya的流体模拟软件的最新版本。此更新添加了许多新功能来加快您的工作流程,并帮助您更快地完成工作。
Chaos Phoenix 5, Update 1 (5.10.00) for 3ds Max 2020-2023
Chaos Phoenix 5 (5.10.00)有什么新功能
使用Chaos Pheonix 5释放您的想象力,update 1的新功能,包括V-Ray CPU IPR支持、新的创意控件和优化的用户界面。
-通过支持V-Ray CPU的IPR,接收即时反馈以微调您的模拟或探索不同的外观。现在也可以在Chaos Phoenix 5的3ds Max上使用。
– [3ds Max]立即使体积和粒子变形。使用修改器弯曲、倾斜、变细、扭曲、融化或拉伸选定的模拟器。
– [3ds Max]通过优化的用户界面,可以更快地加载模拟器,自定义卷展栏布局等。

Phoenix是流体动力学的一体化解决方案。模拟火,烟,液体,海浪,飞溅,喷雾,薄雾等等。专为想要使用快速预设、快速设置和直观控制来创建动态效果的3D艺术家打造。在视口中交互式预览和渲染。动态调整模拟。创建所有类型的基于物理的流体效果,快速、灵活地控制渲染、重定时和优化模拟。无缝集成到3ds Max中,并优化了V-Ray渲染。兼容Alembic、Krakatoa、Stoke MX、OpenVDB等顶级行业工具。

Chaos Phoenix 5将把你的模拟带到一个新的水平,新的工具给你比以往任何时候都更多的控制。它还使您能够使用新的和增强的预设轻松创建逼真的动态效果,您可以开箱即用,也可以根据需要进行修改。更快地模拟,简化您的工作流程,完成更多工作。
Chaos Group是计算机图形技术领域的全球领导者,帮助艺术家和设计师为设计、电视和故事片创作真实的图像和动画。Chaos Group专注于全球顶级设计工作室、建筑公司、广告公司和视觉效果公司日常使用的基于物理的渲染和模拟软件。如今,该公司在云渲染、材料扫描和虚拟现实方面的研发正在塑造创意故事和数字设计的未来。Chaos 集团成立于1997年,是私营企业,在索非亚、洛杉矶、巴尔的摩、首尔和东京设有办事处。

产品:Chaos Phoenix 5
版本: (5.10.00)
系统要求:Windows *
软件先决条件:预安装的Autodesk 3ds Max 2020-2023

Chaos has released Phoenix 5, Update 1 (5.10.00), the latest version of its fluid simulation software for 3ds Max and Maya. This update adds many new features to speed up your workflow and help you get the job done faster.

Phoenix 5 Update 1 (5.10.00) what’s new
Set your imagination free with Chaos Pheonix 5, update 1’s new features, including V-Ray CPU IPR support, new creative controls, and an optimized user interface.
– Receive instant feedback to fine-tune your simulations or explore different looks with support for V-Ray CPU’s IPR. Now available in Phoenix for 3ds Max too.
– [3ds Max] Deform volumes and particles in no time. Play with modifiers that bend, skew, taper, twist, melt, or stretch the selected simulators.
– Create even more realistic volumetric effects with new absorption color and phase function controls inside the Particle Shaders’ fog mode.
– Time Bend Resimulations, animations, and more are now supported in the Standalone Simulator.
– [3ds Max] Load Simulators faster, customize rollout layout, and more, with an optimized user interface.
– See accurate and detailed streamline previews of how forces will affect the simulation before it even starts.

Phoenix is an all-in one solution for fluid dynamics. Simulate fire, smoke, liquids, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist and more. Built for 3D artists who want to create dynamic FX using quick presets, fast setup and intuitive controls. Preview and render interactively in the viewport. Adjust simulations on the fly. Create all types of physically-based fluid effects with fast, flexible controls for rendering, retiming and refining simulations. Integrated seamlessly into 3ds Max and optimized to render with V-Ray. Compatible with top industry tools such as Alembic, Krakatoa, Stoke MX and OpenVDB.

Chaos Phoenix 5 will take your simulations to the next level with new tools that give you more control than ever before. It also enables you to easily create realistic dynamic effects with new and enhanced presets — available for you to use out-of-the-box, or modify to fit your needs. Simulate faster, streamline your workflow, and get more done.
Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Chaos Group specializes in physically-based rendering and simulation software used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company’s research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Seoul, and Tokyo.

