CG Handgun (update 03) 5.0 一把有三种不同射击模式的手枪,有动画和声音。带附件的逼真手枪。包含装配蓝图示例。一把有三种不同射击模式的手枪,全息瞄准器,激光/手电筒,补偿器和消音器。这个项目使用材料分层系统,所以你可以用不同的图案给你的武器不同的外观。您也可以仅更改色调。第一人称动画。
One handgun with 3 different fire modes, and attachments.
Character Animation Blueprint for the basic display of Animation.
Materials and some sound set up.
Number of Meshes: 9 ( 1 SK, and 8 SM).
Collision: Yes. Custom.
Vertex Count: 137 – 15082 vertices per mesh.
LODs: Yes.
Animations: FP character has 36 Animations (Fire, Aim Down Sight, Idle, Reload, Full Reload, Run, Sprint, Jump, Walk, etc.)
The weapon has 9 Animations (Fire, Fire ADS, Reload, Full Reload, etc.)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 Material layers, 3 Master materials, 2 Post-process materials, 8 Material instances, 13 Material instances variations.
Number of Textures: 23 textures, 8 reticles, 8 patterns.
Texture Resolutions: 6 – 4096×4096, 12 – 2048×2048, 2 – 1024×1024, 5 – 512×512, 8 – 256×256, 1 – 200×200, 1 – 64×64.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
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