使用ChatGPT-Turbo在2023年3月1日之前掌握API!创建一个人工智能聊天机器人,仅用Python编写上下文和消息历史!2023年3月1日,OpenAI发布了所有人都在焦急等待的东西,它的最新版本的API带有GPT涡轮3.5。这与ChatGPT使用的模型完全相同,包括处理上下文和消息历史的能力!现在我们已经巨大的可能性成倍增长!现在,我们可以在自己的项目中与人工智能交流想法。这里我们将学习如何用Python和几行代码创建web应用程序。最重要的是,使用Streamlit软件包没有复杂性。这样,我们就可以触发新版本的OpenAI API,并使用ChatGPT Turbo。
强调一下,现在我们可以使用应用程序中的上下文和内存。也就是说,我们能够建造一个超级聊天机器人!我们可以要求针对某个主题发布帖子或煽动性的文章,分析答案,并在相同的对话背景下,要求改进或更多的项目和细节。例如:“就如何通过数字营销赚钱提出5个要点(关键主题)”我们会收到答案,然后:“创建短文(或副本、文章等…可能性是巨大的)关于每一个主题“我们收到答案,然后:”现在创建一个大约300字的关于5个主题的文本“它可以是关于数字营销,关于Python编程,关于饮食,关于外太空,等等…可能性是无限的,有了我们将要学习的工具,我们就有了进入这个充满机会的宇宙的钥匙。把握机会,走在前面,脱颖而出。ChatGPT: Build a Chatbot with the new OpenAI API in Python!
了解如何使用OpenAI于2023年1月3日发布的提供超级GPT-3.5 Turbo的API版本!
了解如何通过OpenAI的API使用2023年1月3日ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo的内存和上下文,并获得在这场革命中保持领先的关键!
从零开始,一步一步地构建环境,从安装Python,创建虚拟环境,到使用ChatGPT 3.5 Turb拥有自己的超级聊天
由Davi Righi Amaral创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:2小时54分钟|
Master the API by 03/01/2023 with ChatGPT-Turbo! Create an AI ChatBOT with Context and Message History in just Python!
What you’ll learn
Learn how to use the version of the API that OpenAI released on 01/03/2023 providing the Super GPT-3.5 Turbo!
Create Apps in Python with just a few lines of code using Streamlit!
Create your Own Chat inside Your App using ChatGPT, now with Context and Memory! Yes this is possible starting from 03/01/2023.
Master the Latest Version of OpenAI’s Artificial Intelligence API that is Revolutionizing the World
Get the necessary knowledge to generate any kind of content (articles, posts, copys) and go beyond, now you can exchange ideas with AI and refine your demands.
Learn how to use the Memory and Context of the ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo from 01/03/2023, through OpenAI’s API, and get the key to stay ahead in this revolution!
Learn without complexity with Few Lines of Python Code.
Build the Environment from Scratch, step by step, from Installing Python, creating the Virtual Environment, to having your own Super Chat using ChatGPT 3.5 Turb
The Will and the Disposition to Learn!
On March 1st, 2023, OpenAI released what everyone had been anxiously awaiting, the latest version of its API with GPT-Turbo 3.5. This is the exact same model being used by ChatGPT, including the ability to handle Context and Message History!Now our possibilities that were already enormous have grown exponentially!It is now possible to exchange ideas with artificial intelligence within our own projects. Here we will learn how to create web applications with Python and with few lines of code. Most importantly, without complexity using the Streamlit package.With this, we can trigger the new version of the OpenAI API and use the ChatGPT Turbo. Emphasizing that, now we can work with Context and Memory from our apps. That is, we are able to Build a Super ChatBOT!We can ask a post or an instigating copy to be generated about a certain topic, analyze the answer and, in the same conversation context, ask for improvements or more items and details.For example:”Generate 5 bullets points (key topics) about how to make money with Digital Marketing”We receive the answer and then:”Create short posts (or copies, articles, etc … the possibilities are vast) about each of the topics”We receive the answer and then:”Now create a text with about 300 words about the 5 topics”It can be about Digital Marketing, about Python Programming, about Diets, about Outer Space, etc…The possibilities are endless and with the tool that we will learn to build we will have the key to venture into this universe of opportunities.Take advantage of the opportunity, be ahead and stand out.
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