Globe Plants – Bundle 18 – Ornamental Grasses 包括15种用于花园和一般景观美化目的的常见观赏草,以及108种独特的模型,这些模型具有多种形式,可用于您的许多场景,你只需要拖放和准备渲染,与GrowFX格式,你可以获得最大的灵活性来编辑你喜欢的植物。球形植物-第18束-观赏草
Anemanthele lessoniana
–iso leis cer nua
Globe Plants’ Bundle 18 includes 15 common ornamental grasses for gardens and general landscaping purposes with 108 unique models that come with many forms that can be used for many of your scenes. With MESH, BLENDER, C4D and SKETCHUP format you only need to drag and drop and ready to render, with GrowFX format, you gain maximum flexibility to edit the plants as much as you like.
List of Species:
– Acorus calamus
– Acorus gramineus
– Andropogon gerardii
– Andropogon virginicus
– Anemanthele lessoniana
– Anthoxanthum odoratum
– Isolepis cernua
– Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’
– Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’
– Nassella tenuissima
– Pennisetum setaceum ‘Cherry Sparkler’
– Pennisetum setaceum
– Phalaris arundinacea
– Schizachyrium scoparium
– Stipa gigantea
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