在这个在线课程中,伊娃教你如何使用C4D从头开始设计壮观的3D生物。探索非常规,但简单的数字插图技术,创造有机的,充满色彩和细节的生动形式。课程结束时,你将能够组建一整支由独特而快乐的3D角色组成的军队。Playful Creature Design in Cinema 4D
首先来认识一下Eva Cremers,一位屡获殊荣的3D艺术家和动画导演,以及本课程的老师。了解她的创作背景,她如何自学插图和动画,以及她如何能够塑造她的职业生涯。
。mkv |视频:h264,yuv420p,1920×1080 |音频:aac,44100 Hz | 1. GB 含课程文件
Learn to model, render, and animate 3D characters full of personality and texture using organic shapes and simple design techniques
“Bring your imagination to life and create the work you want to get hired for!”
Because Eva Cremers is a self-taught 3D artist, she’s never played by the rules. Her creative liberty has allowed her to hone her own unique style, and has led her to collaborate with companies like Amazon Music, Apple, Facebook, and Nike. Her style is free, experimental, heavily inspired by classic cartoons, and their larger-than-life personalities.
In this online course, Eva teaches you how to design spectacular 3D creatures from scratch using Cinema 4D. Explore unconventional, but simple digital illustration techniques to create organic, lively forms filled with color and detail. By the end of the course, you will be able to form a whole army of unique and joyful 3D characters.
What will you learn in this online course?
Begin by meeting Eva Cremers, an award-winning 3D artist and animation director, and your teacher for this course. Learn about her creative background, how she taught herself illustration and animation, and how she was able to shape her career.
Next, get introduced to the Cinema 4D, and the four basic modelling techniques used throughout the course. After gathering some references for inspiration, you’ll write a backstory for your hero and create your initial sketch.
Discover how to form the body, and work your way to the face, arms, and legs. Learn to create a striking background for your scene, before adding textures, lighting, and completing the final render.
To wrap up, Eva shows you how to export your character for social media and how to animate your creature into a fun, 360-degree clip.
What is this course’s project?
Design, model, and animate a lively 3D character in Cinema 4D.
Who is this online course for?
This course is for anyone who wants to dip their toes into 3D art, and have fun at the same time.
Requirements and materials
No previous experience required.
All you need is a computer with Cinema 4D installed.
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