了解如何使用ChatGPT在几个小时内从头开始编写一本畅销书——KDP出版全攻略,用ChatGPT & amp掌握写一本畅销书的艺术。人工智能工具:释放人工智能的力量来编写、编辑、格式化和发布您的电子书。在这个全面、循序渐进的在线课程中,探索使用ChatGPT和Designerr等人工智能工具以及Canva和Kindle Create等行业标准工具来创作畅销书的秘密。你是一个梦想写一本畅销书的有抱负的作者吗?你是否努力寻找合适的词语,或者被写作、编辑和出版作品的巨大任务压垮?不要再看了!通过这一开创性的在线课程,您将学习如何利用ChatGPT等人工智能工具的力量来毫不费力地创作您的杰作。你可以在几个小时内完成一些人需要几周甚至几个月才能完成的事情。Ebook Evolution: Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI
我会告诉你如何开始,即使你不知道从哪里开始。我们一起从头开始写一本书。跟随我们从两个工具开始,在几个小时内从零想法到在亚马逊上出版一本书。在这个包罗万象的课程中,我们将深入探讨& nbsp基本主题,如:入门所需的工具:学习如何通过几次点击来掌握ChatGPT和其他人工智能工具,如Designerr和Sqribble。告别文思枯竭,迎接一个充满无限可能的世界!释放ChatGPT的力量:通过探索ChatGPT强大的功能集,释放chat GPT在电子书创作方面的全部潜力,例如:内容生成摘要写作助手语言翻译创意写作想法头脑风暴等等…寻找完美的主题:获取进行背景研究的技巧,为你的书定义一个伟大的主题。使用ChatGPT进行头脑风暴,找出一个能抓住读者的心的畅销书。ChatGPT很容易抓住你的读者的注意力,并立即在你的领域建立权威。制作一个引人注目的大纲:学习如何使用ChatGPT创建一个详细的大纲,作为你写作旅程的路线图。有了这张蓝图,你就能轻松自信地写书了。生成高质量的图书章节:接收关于使用ChatGPT为您的图书生成引人入胜、结构良好且信息丰富的章节的详细说明。
看着人工智能工具将你的想法转化为优美的文字。编辑一致性、流程和声音:了解ChatGPT如何帮助您编辑稿件的一致性、流程和声音。在人工智能的帮助下,你将把你的作品打磨得尽善尽美,确保为你的观众提供无缝的阅读体验。格式化您的电子书以获得良好的阅读体验:探索如何使用像Designerr这样的人工智能工具和像Canva这样的免费工具来创建视觉上吸引人和读者友好的电子书布局。让您的图书以惊人的视觉效果和专业的完成方式脱颖而出。在亚马逊上发布您的电子书:了解如何使用Kindle Create格式化您的电子书,并将其上传到亚马逊的Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)平台。接触全球数百万读者,看着您的图书飙升至排行榜首位。在整个在线课程中,你将由我约书亚·亚历山大指导,他是一位经验丰富的讲师,了解人工智能写作的来龙去脉。我将提供宝贵的见解、实用技巧和实践练习,帮助您快速有效地掌握概念。
由Joshua Alexander创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:32节课(3小时21分钟)|大小:1.82 GB
快速了解ChatGPT & AI在电子书和其他内容创作方面的强大功能(几小时而不是几周)
Learn how to write a bestselling ebook from scratch in hours using ChatGPT – Complete walkthrough to publishing on KDP
What you’ll learn
Learn the power of ChatGPT & AI for ebook and other content creation QUICKLY (in hours instead of weeks)
Learn techniques for: researching, writing, editing, and publishing your own ebook
Learn how to use AI to enhance your design flow and create a stunning bestseller
Tips and tricks for creating an ebook cover, plus other AI tools to improve productivity
No experience required. You just need a desire to learn. You’ll only need two tools: ChatGPT (free to use) and a text editor (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.)
Master the Art of Writing a Bestselling Book with ChatGPT & AI Tools: Unleash the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Write, Edit, Format, and Publish Your eBookDiscover the secrets of creating a bestselling book with the power of AI tools like ChatGPT and Designerr, plus industry standard tools like Canva, and Kindle Create in this comprehensive, step-by-step online course.Are you an aspiring author who dreams of writing a bestselling book? Do you struggle with finding the right words or feel overwhelmed by the massive task of writing, editing, and publishing your work? Look no further! With this groundbreaking online course, you’ll learn how to harness the power of AI tools like ChatGPT and others to create your masterpiece effortlessly. You’ll be able to accomplish in just hours what takes some people weeks or even months. I’ll show you exactly how to get started, even if you have no idea where to begin. Together, we’ll write a book from scratch. Follow along as we start with just two tools and go from zero ideas to a published book on Amazon in just a few hours. In this all-encompassing course, we’ll dive into essential topics such as:The Tools You Need to Get Started: Learn how to master ChatGPT and other AI tools like Designerr and Sqribble with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to a world of endless possibilities!Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Unlock the full potential of ChatGPT for eBook creation by exploring its powerful set of capabilities, such as:Content generationSummarizationWriting assistanceLanguage translationCreative writingIdea brainstormingOutliningAnd more…Finding the Perfect Topic: Get tips on conducting background research to define a great topic for your book. Use ChatGPT to brainstorm and discover a bestselling title that will capture the hearts and minds of your readers. ChatGPT makes it easy to grab your readers attention and establish authority in your niche right away.Crafting a Compelling Outline: Learn how to use ChatGPT to create a detailed outline that serves as a roadmap for your writing journey. With this blueprint in hand, you’ll be able to write your book with ease and confidence. Generating High-Quality Book Sections: Receive detailed instructions on using ChatGPT to produce engaging, well-structured, and informative sections for your book. Watch as the AI tool transforms your ideas into beautifully written prose.Editing for Consistency, Flow, and Voice: Discover how ChatGPT can help you edit your manuscript for consistency, flow, and voice. With the assistance of AI, you’ll polish your work to perfection, ensuring a seamless reading experience for your audience.Formatting Your eBook for a Great Reading Experience: Explore how to use AI tools like Designerr and free tools like Canva to create visually appealing and reader-friendly eBook layouts. Make your book stand out from the crowd with stunning visuals and a professional finish.Publishing Your eBook on Amazon: Learn how to use Kindle Create to format your eBook and upload it to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Reach millions of readers worldwide and watch your book soar to the top of the charts.Throughout this online course, you’ll be guided by me, Joshua Alexander, an experienced instructor, who understands the ins and outs of AI-powered writing. I’ll provide invaluable insights, practical tips, and hands-on exercises to help you grasp the concepts quickly and efficiently. With the guidance of this course, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful author.It’s time to leave your writing woes behind and embrace the future of authorship with this groundbreaking course. So, why wait? Enroll today and begin your journey towards writing a bestselling book with the help of ChatGPT and other AI tools!
Who this course is for
Anyone who wants to learn how to write an ebook from scratch using ChatGPT in a matter of hours or days rather than weeks or months.
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