对于你的课堂项目,我想看看你对我的角色设计的版本,或者你是如何将演示的原则应用到你自己的原创角色设计中的。Skillshare – Into the Ocean: Character Sculpting Essentials in Blender 3D
持续时间3小时 24分钟 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
标题:Skillshare走进海洋:Blender 3D中的角色雕刻要点
上传你的最终项目的图片,格式为. jpg或。png,分辨率至少为1280×720像素,可用作项目封面。
3d sculpting is both a fun and intuitive way to create characters in 3D.
This class is designed to teach you the essential 3d sculpting skills you need to get started.
In this class you will be able to follow along as I demonstrate how to sculpt a cute seahorse character and underwater environment.
For your class project I would love to see your version of my character design or how you have applied the demonstrated principles to one of your own original character designs.
If you are looking for my character design or lighting setup file, you can download them using the resources link to the right. Save ProjectFiles.zip to your computer and extract the files inside to work with them in Blender.
Your final class project will consist of a fully rendered character image.
Feel free to upload work in progress for feedback rather than needing to wait until you are finished with the class.
Upload an image of your final project as a .jpg or .png with a resolution of at least 1280×720 pixels to use as your project cover.
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