使用AI ChatGPT,通过OpenAI的这一新工具,大幅度提高您的营销、销售、点击付费等,希望把你的销售,营销和。努力让你的工作或业务更上一层楼?只需看看我们完整的ChatGPT销售与营销课程。营销。这一实用的演示课程将教你如何释放人工智能的力量,以更好更快地进行品牌推广、数字营销、内容创作、社交媒体营销、电子邮件营销、文案、电子邮件写作、付费广告(PPC)、软件开发等!你得到7个人工智能模块。& nbsp价值2k+的ChatGPT成长秘密加上一些令人惊讶的奖金部分,将会用chatGPT其他AI工具。ChatGPT: Complete ChatGPT Course for Sales & Marketing
在课程结束时,你将拥有在你的营销策略和日常活动中立即实施人工智能的技能和知识。您还可以访问由15个以上特定营销提示组成的库来帮助您开始。使用chatGPT这样的人工智能工具,您可以自动化重复的任务,在几秒钟内生成高质量的内容和文档,并以个性化和高效的方式与客户和同事进行交流。您将节省时间,削减成本,并增加客户参与,让您在销售,营销和竞争优势。增长领域。由行业营销与营销领导。& nbsp成长专家杰森弗利格尔,这门课程是完美的营销人员,销售人员,文案,SEO,广告客户经理,和。所有层次的企业家都希望通过在市场营销中使用人工智能来获得竞争优势。增长战略。不要错过ChatGPT和其他AI工具的好处。现在注册,并开始设计您的营销和。面向未来的增长!这门课程将教会你在职业生活中有效使用这种强大的语言模型所需要知道的一切。如果你是一名企业家,你会惊讶于ChatGPT能为你的工作或业务带来什么。此外,您还可以查看所有令人惊叹的chatGPT用例及示例,这是额外的收获!使用ChatGPT,您可以:自动执行重复的任务和流程生成高质量的内容和文档,如博客帖子、常见问题解答、营销手册等。在几秒钟内训练您特定流程中的不同线程,以了解它如何能够输出更高质量的响应以个性化和高效的方式与客户和同事交流。该课程专为从初学者到高级用户的所有级别的专业人员设计。我们将介绍ChatGPT的基础知识以及更先进的技术,以便在您的工作或业务中最大限度地发挥其潜力。不要错过这个机会,通过ChatGPT让您的职业或业务更上一层楼。非常感谢,让我们开始学习人工智能的力量吧!
由Jason Fleagle创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:31节课(3小时15分钟)|大小:2.52 GB
我们问了ChatGPT一些关于它自己的问题,以下是答案:ChatGPT是什么?OpenAI创建了ChatGPT,这是一个大型语言模型,利用深度学习算法来掌握自然语言,并制定对查询或指令的响应。本质上,我是一个计算机应用程序,设计来模仿人类对话,并在广泛的主题上提供有用的信息和观点。ChatGPT有什么好处?使用ChatGPT有几个优点,例如:可用性:ChatGPT总是可用的,这意味着用户可以在白天或晚上的任何时间提出问题或进行对话。速度:ChatGPT能够快速处理大量数据,在几秒钟内对用户的查询做出响应。便利性:ChatGPT可以从任何有互联网连接的地方访问,对于那些在旅途中需要信息或帮助的人来说,这是一个方便的工具。一致性:无论用户的情绪、语气或位置如何,ChatGPT的响应都是一致和精确的,确保用户每次使用该服务时都能收到可靠的信息。个性化:ChatGPT可以针对特定主题或行业进行培训,使其能够根据用户的要求提供个性化的答案和见解。总的来说,ChatGPT是一个强大的工具,可以帮助个人和企业节省时间和精力,为他们的问题和咨询提供及时、可靠和定制的答复。获得技能和装备。资源提示写作技巧获得15个以上营销特定提示库的访问权限获得竞争优势对于寻求通过将人工智能纳入其营销策略来保持竞争优势的营销人员来说,参加本课程是一笔宝贵的资产。本课程提供了大量实用工具和知识,帮助您提高营销效果并实现目标。通过学习如何在你的营销中利用人工智能,你可以增强你的营销活动,并为未来做好准备。重要的是,不要忽视在你的营销角色中利用ChatGPT和其他人工智能工具的优势。祝你好运!你的导师贾森弗利格尔是一个贾森弗利格尔是一个增长,技术和。营销专家帮助企业和组织通过唾手可得的机会实现至少3倍的增长。在过去的10多年里,Jason已经帮助各行各业的企业创造了超过5000万美元的收入。Jason曾与Flovatar、Growth Shop、John Maxwell Company、Ziglar Inc .、Shark Tank的Kevin Harrington、Austin St John、the Original Red Power Ranger、The Basement Doctor、Nash Distribution、Autism Power、the Better Business Bureau (BBB)、政治智库、创业公司等公司合作。Jason年前开始从事人工智能技术的工作,负责技术和定制软件应用程序。在过去的几年里,Jason已经使用人工智能文案和SEO文案工具来为他自己的企业和世界各地的企业大规模扩展工作。Jason喜欢将复杂的技术和想法分解成简单易懂的想法和实用的框架,这些想法和框架可以清楚地解释给任何想学习的人。
Use AI ChatGPT to massively improve your marketing, sales, ppc, & more with this new tool from OpenAI
What you’ll learn
Using ChatGPT To Improve Writing & Copywriting
Using ChatGPT To Improve Your Marketing & Content Marketing
Leveraging ChatGPT For Tasks Like Email, Writing, Blogs, Scripts, And So Much More
Code Creation, Code Debugging, Translation, API Development, & More for Software Development
Using ChatGPT for SEO, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, & Other Content Creation Strategies & Examples
Using ChatGPT for Advertising, PPC, Video Creation, & More!
Demos & Use Cases of Hundreds of Real World Examples of ChatGPT Helping You Become More Successful!
No prerequisites as ChatGPT is a tool anyone can access and use immediately, but you should have a device with an internet connection.
Looking to take your sales, marketing, & growth efforts for your work or business to the next level? Look no further than our Complete ChatGPT Course for Sales & Marketing. This practical, demo-focused course will teach you how to unlock the power of AI for better and faster branding, digital marketing, content creation, social media marketing, email marketing, copywriting, email writing, paid advertising (PPC), software development, and more!You get 7 modules of AI & ChatGPT growth secrets worth $2k+ plus a number of amazing BONUS sections that will wow you with everything you can do with chatGPT & other AI tools.By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to immediately implement AI in your marketing strategy and everyday activities. You’ll also gain access to a library of 15+ marketing-specific prompts to help you get started.With AI tools like chatGPT, you can automate repetitive tasks, generate high-quality content and documents in seconds, and communicate with clients and colleagues in a personalized and efficient manner. You’ll save time, cut costs, and increase customer engagement, giving you a competitive edge in your sales, marketing, & growth areas.Led by industry marketing & growth expert Jason Fleagle, this course is perfect for marketers, salespeople, copywriters, SEOs, Ad Account Managers, & entrepreneurs of all levels looking to gain a competitive edge by using AI in their marketing & growth strategy.Don’t miss out on the benefits of ChatGPT and other AI tools. Enroll now and start designing your marketing & growth for the future!This course will teach you everything you need to know to effectively use this powerful language model in your professional life. You will be amazed at what ChatGPT can do for you in your work or in your business if you’re an entrepreneur. Plus you can check out all the amazing chatGPT use cases and examples as an added bonus!With ChatGPT, you can:Automate repetitive tasks and processesGenerate high-quality content and documents like blog posts FAQs, marketing brochures, and more in seconds Train your different threads on your particular processes to learn how it can output higher quality responsesCommunicate with clients and colleagues in a personalized and efficient manner The course is designed for professionals of all levels, from beginners to advanced users. We will cover the basics of ChatGPT as well as more advanced techniques for maximizing its potential in your work or business.Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your career or business to the next level with ChatGPT. Many thanks, and let’s get to learning about the power of AI!——————————————————————————————————————————–We asked ChatGPT some questions about itself and here’s the answers:What is ChatGPT?OpenAI created ChatGPT, which is a large language model that utilizes deep learning algorithms to grasp natural language and formulate responses to inquiries or directives. In essence, I am a computer application engineered to imitate human dialogue and offer useful information and perspectives on a broad spectrum of subjects.What Are The Benefits Of ChatGPT?Using ChatGPT has several advantages, such as:Availability: ChatGPT is always available, meaning users can ask questions or engage in conversations at any time of the day or night.Speed: ChatGPT is capable of processing large volumes of data quickly, delivering responses to users’ queries within seconds.Convenience: ChatGPT is accessible from any location with an internet connection, making it a handy tool for people who require information or assistance while on the move.Consistency: ChatGPT’s responses are consistent and precise, regardless of the user’s mood, tone, or location, ensuring users receive reliable information every time they use the service.Personalization: ChatGPT can be trained on specific topics or industries, enabling it to provide personalized answers and insights tailored to the user’s requirements.Overall, ChatGPT is a robust tool that can assist individuals and businesses in saving time and effort by offering prompt, reliable, and customized responses to their questions and inquiries.GET EQUIPPED WITH SKILLS & RESOURCESPrompt-writing skillsGet access to a library of 15+ marketing-specific promptsGAIN A COMPETITIVE EDGEEnrolling in this course can be an invaluable asset for marketers seeking to stay ahead of the competition by incorporating AI into their marketing strategies. The course provides a plethora of practical tools and knowledge to help you improve your marketing efforts and reach your objectives.By learning how to leverage AI in your marketing, you can enhance your marketing campaigns and prepare for the future. It’s important not to overlook the advantages of utilizing ChatGPT and other AI tools in your marketing role. Wishing you the best of luck!YOUR INSTRUCTORJason Fleagle is a Jason Fleagle is a growth, tech, & marketing professional helping businesses and organizations grow by at least 3x with low-hanging fruit opportunities. Jason has helped generate $50mil+ for businesses in all industries the last 10+ years.Jason has worked with companies like Flovatar, Growth Shop, John Maxwell Company, Ziglar Inc., Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank, Austin St John, the Original Red Power Ranger, The Basement Doctor, Nash Distribution, Autism Power, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), political think tanks, startups, and many more.Jason started working with AI technologies 5 years ago in his roles with technology and custom software applications. In the past few years, Jason has used AI copywriting and SEO copywriting tools to massively scale the work for his own businesses and for businesses around the world.Jason loves to break down complex technologies and ideas into simple to understand ideas and practical frameworks that can be clearly explained to anyone who wants to learn.
Who this course is for
This course is a great option for someone looking to use AI tools like ChatGPT to massively improve their work or grow their business.
You can become more productive at work or in your business and save time and make more money.
Use these latest developments in AI and Software from OpenAI to enhance your career and/or grow your business.
This course is perfect if you work for a company or have your own business or a side hustle.
Leverage ChatGPT learn more, and use it in practical and creative ways.
ChatGPT can 10x your life!
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