HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Firebase使用ChatGPT在2023年用AI启动你的web开发职业生涯。你想改变职业或者尝试新的东西吗?你听说过编程越来越重要,并想保持领先地位吗?或者你对人工智能和ChatGPT的力量很感兴趣,想利用它来获得优势?不管你的理由是什么,你来对地方了!准备好在2023年借助人工智能的力量让你的网络开发生涯一飞冲天吧。Zero to Hero: Learn Web Development in 2023 with ChatGPT
在本课程中,你将从零开始学习:HTML CSS JavaScript Dall-EReactFirebaseGithub & amp;甚至更多!但这还不是全部。您还可以通过利用ChatGPT获得竞争优势,chat GPT是一种尖端的人工智能工具,正在席卷整个行业。有了ChatGPT,你就可以创建能够理解用户并以自然语言与用户互动的智能应用。以HTML、CSS、JavaScript、React和Firebase为基础,您将掌握使用ChatGPT创建智能应用程序的艺术。不要错过这个获得竞争优势并在就业市场脱颖而出的独特机会。立即加入,立即开始从新手到专业人士的旅程。现在就开始用AI和ChatGPT构建未来吧!现在就报名吧,用ChatGPT开启你2023年从零到英雄的旅程,进化成自己最好的程序员版本!
由Radutiu Horatiu创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子学习|语言:英语|时长:40节课(4小时49分钟)|大小:3 GB 含课程文件
HTML、CSS、JavaScript、React、Firebase & chat GPT为绝对初学者提供更多内容。
使用React & Firebase在互联网上部署全栈生产就绪型应用。
ChatGPT,DALL-E & AI爱好者。
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Firebase using ChatGPT to kick-start your career in web development with AI in 2023.
What you’ll learn
Solid foundation of programming and web development!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Firebase & more with ChatGPT for absolute beginners.
Learn how to use ChatGPT on a daily basis from a true AI enthusiast.
Learn how to code with the help of ChatGPT without a technical background.
Tips and tricks on how to leverage AI & ChatGPT into your advantage.
Develop apps by implementing ChatGPT and DALL-E.
Deploy a full-stack production ready app on the internet using React & Firebase.
Add a fully-complex-production project to your creative work list.
The course covers everything you need to know and provides references and advice to help you handle any situation with the help of ChatGPT.
Are you looking to make a career change or try something new? Have you heard about the increasing importance of programming and want to stay ahead of the curve? Or maybe you’re intrigued by the power of AI and ChatGPT and want to leverage it for your advantage? Whatever your reason, you’ve come to the right place! Get ready to skyrocket your web development career in 2023 with the power of AI. In this course, you’ll go from zero to hero as you learn:HTML CSSJavaScriptDALL-EReactFirebaseGithub& even more!But that’s not all. You’ll also gain a competitive edge by leveraging ChatGPT, the cutting-edge AI tool that’s taking the industry by storm. With ChatGPT, you’ll create intelligent apps that can understand and interact with users in natural language. With HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Firebase as your foundation, you’ll master the art of creating intelligent apps using ChatGPT. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to gain a competitive edge and stand out in the job market. Join today and start your journey from novice to pro in no time. Start building the future with AI and ChatGPT now!Enroll now and start your journey from Zero to Hero in 2023 with ChatGPT and evolve into the best programmer version of yourself!
Who this course is for
People who want to learn how to code.
Anyone wanting to keep up with the 21st century!
People that are looking to kickstart their career in web development with HTML/CSS/React/Firebase.
People who want to get started in web development.
ChatGPT, DALL-E & AI enthusiasts.
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