完成ChatGPT & Bing Chat的Prompt Engineering 2023 AI课程。从初级到高级。1000多个提示,包括模板。“为什么学ChatGPT和Bing一起聊天?”您可以利用ChatGPT和Bing Chat这两个世界上最先进的人工智能系统释放您的创造力和生产力。两者都是互补的强大的人工智能系统,可以帮助你实现更多。ChatGPT可以写任何东西,从文章到故事到代码,而Bing Chat可以回答问题并提供来自网络的最新信息。他们一起可以给你最好的两个世界:创造力和准确性,想象力和事实,虚构和现实。Bing chat只需一句话就能生成令人惊叹的图片。Chatgpt & Bing Prompt Engineering Masterclass (1K+ Prompts)
通过学习如何使用ChatGPT和Bing Chat,你将能够用人工智能创造出其他人无法创造的神奇事物。“为什么要学提示工程?”人工智能就像你见过的最聪明的人,但同时,它们也像一个五岁的孩子——它们可以做很多事情,但它们也需要仔细的指导才能做好。因此,能够与人工智能有效地沟通是一项至关重要的技能,我相信在这一点上,任何人如果想在职业生涯、学校、商业或任何方面取得进步,或者只是想在竞争中脱颖而出,都必须绝对拥有这项重要的技能,称为快速工程。因为提示工程教你如何从人工智能得到交互和生成期望的输出,因为你输入的质量决定了这些人工智能生成的输出的质量。“我将从这门课程中学到什么?”像ChatGPT和Bing Chat这样的人工智能聊天机器人可以撰写短文、文章和故事,解决数学问题,撰写销售电子邮件,起草合同,为游戏、网站和应用程序编写代码,甚至可以通过键入几个词来生成令人惊叹的图像。使用人工智能的可能性是无限的。这就是我精心制作这个课程的原因,这样任何人都可以学习和掌握ChatGPT和Bing的AI聊天机器人,并拥有提示工程的技能。您将学习ChatGPT & Bing Chat的基本概念和实际应用。此外,我们将涵盖高级主题,如:头脑风暴逐步提示’星’提示系统图像提示零镜头,少镜头提示,温度等。”你也会教Bing聊天中的图片提示吗?”是的,您将在课程中学习图像提示,以及如何从Bing聊天中生成图像。”课程中将提供哪些资源?”在本课程中,您将收到- 1000+提示电子书-提示模板电子书。-提示反应手册-‘完美提示’ Cheatsheet-提示样式表(Excel)-短篇玄幻小说《季节、超能力、梦想三个短篇作者ChatGPT》-PPT演示“Blockbuster GamingPass”“我必须获得chat GPT付费计划才能使用本课程吗?”不。在整个课程中,我们将只使用免费的ChatGPT计划。“如果我不喜欢这门课程怎么办?”本课程提供30天退款保证,所以不要担心,只需进入课程即可充分掌握ChatGPT和Bing Chat的提示工程的力量。如果你渴望提高你的技能,并成为人工智能革命的一部分,那么来和我一起参加这个令人兴奋的重要课程,学习和掌握即时工程的巨大潜力。我期待在虚拟教室里看到你,带着成为最好的提示工程师的激情。让我们掌握ChatGPT和Bing聊天!!!
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译) |时长:1小时39分钟 含课程文件
如何使用ChatGPT和Bing Chat进行头脑风暴和创建演示文稿。
如何使用ChatGPT和Bing Chat进行文本汇总?
如何使用ChatGPT和Bing Chat解决复杂问题?
如何使用ChatGPT和Bing Chat提取内容?
只使用免费的ChatGPT & Bing聊天,所以不需要ChatGPT付费计划。
这个ChatGPT & Bing聊天提示工程课程是给大家的。你可以是学生、商人或专业人士,或者你可能在金融、人力资源、营销或任何其他领域工作。快速工程是一种你可以获得并掌握的技能。
Complete Prompt Engineering 2023 AI Course for ChatGPT & Bing Chat. Beginner to advanced. 1000+ prompts, Templates Incl.
What you’ll learn
You will understand ChatGPT and Bing Chat Prompt Engineering from basics to advanced concepts and applications.
How to quickly generate images with Bing Chat using the 3-elements technique.
The basics of AI, machine learning, deep learning and NLP.
How to train ChatGPT and Bing Chat to improve the output
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for brainstorming and creating presentations.
How to generate stories and novels in ChatGPT using a template.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for summarizing texts.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for solving complex problems.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for extracting content.
Understand chain of thought prompting and it’s application.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for personalization.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for completing stories and emails.
How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for sentiment analysis.
How to use the ‘STAR’ prompt system for generating great output.
How to use advanced stepwise prompting.
How to use the image generation template for creating artistic images in Bing Chat.
No coding or previous knowledge is required; just have an internet connection.
Only free ChatGPT & Bing Chat are used, so the ChatGPT paid plan is not required.
“Why learn ChatGPT and Bing Chat together?”You can unleash your creativity and productivity with the power of ChatGPT and Bing Chat, two of the most advanced AI systems in the world. Both are complementary and powerful AI systems that can help you achieve more. ChatGPT can write anything from essays to stories to codes, while Bing Chat can answer questions and provide up-to-date information from the web. Together, they can give you the best of both worlds: creativity and accuracy, imagination and facts, fiction and reality. And Bing chat can generate stunning images with just words. By learning how to use both ChatGPT and Bing Chat, you will be able to create amazing things with AI that no one else can.”Why learn Prompt Engineering?”AIs are like the smartest person you have ever met, but at the same time, they are like a five-year-old kid – they can do a lot of things, but they also need careful instruction to do them well.Thus, being able to communicate effectively with AIs is a crucial skill and I believe at this point anyone who wants to advance in their career, school, business or anything, or just stand apart from the competition, must definitely possess this important skill, called Prompt Engineering.As prompt engineering teaches you how to get interact and generated desired output from the AI because the quality of your input determines the quality of the output generated by these AIs.”What I will learn in this course?”AI ChatBots like ChatGPT and Bing Chat can write essays, articles, and stories, solve math problems, write sales emails, draft a contract, write codes for games, websites, and apps, and can even generate amazing images just by typing a few words.The possibilities for using AIs are endless.That’s the reason I have crafted this course, so anyone can learn and master ChatGPT and Bing’s AI ChatBots with the skill of Prompt Engineering.You will be learning from Basics concepts to Real Life Usages of ChatGPT & Bing Chat.Also, we will cover advanced topics like:BrainstormingStepwise prompting’Star’ Prompt SystemImage PromptingZero-shot, Few-shot prompting, Temperature etc.”Will you also teach Image prompting in Bing Chat?”Yes, you will be taught image prompting in the course and how to generate images from Bing Chat.”What resources will be provided in the course?”In this course, you will receive — 1000+ Prompts Ebook- Prompt Templates Ebook.- Prompt Response Handbook- ‘Perfect Prompt’ Cheatsheet- Prompt Style Sheet (Excel)- Short Fantasy Novel “Seasons, Superpowers, and Dreams Three Short Stories by ChatGPT”- PPT Presentation “Blockbuster GamingPass””Do I have to get ChatGPT paid plan to use this course?”No. We will only be using the free ChatGPT plan throughout this course.”What if I don’t like the course?”This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so don’t worry, just enter the course to fully grasp the power of Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and Bing Chat.If you eager to enhance your skills and become a part of AI revolution, then come and join me in this exciting and important course to learn and master the vast potential of Prompt Engineering.I look forward to seeing you in the virtual classroom, with a passion to become the best Prompt Engineer.Let’s master ChatGPT and Bing Chat !!!
Who this course is for
This ChatGPT & Bing Chat Prompt Engineering course is for EVERYONE.,You can be a student, businessperson or professional, or you might be working in finance, HR, marketing or any other field. Prompt Engineering is a skill that you can acquire and master.
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