用于Autodesk Maya的peregrine Labs Yeti 4 . 1 . 5 | 大小解压后共 602.6 MB
Peregrine Labs开发团队很高兴地宣布Yeti 4.1.5的可用性,这是一个基于节点的工具,用于在Autodesk Maya中创建实例化的羽毛、毛发或头发。此更新包括许多令人兴奋的新功能、更新和错误修复。

依赖项:MtoA,阿诺7.1.2.2,V-Ray 5.20,Renderman 24.4,Redshift 3.0.65,Clarisse 5.0 SP8


-更新至Renderman 24.4。
-更新至VRay 5.20。
-更新至MtoA 5.1.3和Arnold 7.1.2。

Yeti是Peregrine Labs的主要产品,专注于在Autodesk Maya中生成程序生成的解决方案,如毛发、羽毛和树叶。该工具集已被开发为一个端到端的解决方案,可轻松集成到大多数管道中,旨在高效传输和渲染所生成的数据,同时保持艺术家友好的工作流程。

我们是一家私人控股的加拿大公司,工作室位于美丽的邓达斯山谷保护区,距离多伦多不到一个小时的路程。Peregrine Labs团队拥有视觉效果和动画行业的血统,在电影近代史上最令人难忘的一些项目上拥有超过25年的工作经验。我们对讲故事的热爱和摆在我们面前的机遇促使我们建立了一个可持续发展的工作室,其目标是研究和开发新的平台来创造难忘的体验。

版本:Autodesk Maya的4.1.5版
系统要求:Windows / Linux / macOs *
软件先决条件:Autodesk Maya 2020-2023

Peregrine Labs Yeti是一款非常好用且功能强大的专为autodesk maya用户打造的毛发插件,该插件不仅适用于各类毛发的生成,还可以快速生成皮毛、羽毛和树叶等内容,该插件提供了丰富的参数供用户选择,用户可以根据自己的需要来生成不同的毛发效果.

Peregrine Labs Yeti 4.1.5 for Autodesk Maya | 602.6 mb
The Peregrine Labs development team is pleased to announce the availability of Yeti 4.1.5, is node based tool for creating instanced feathers, fur, or hair within Autodesk Maya. This update include many new exciting features, updates and bugfixes.

4.1.5 – Released: 11/07/22
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 5.20, Renderman 24.4, Redshift 3.0.65, Clarisse 5.0 SP8

Please note, this is the last Redshift 3.0.x release before moving to 3.5.x.

Changes & Bug Fixes
– updated to Renderman 24.4.
– updated to VRay 5.20.
– updated to MtoA 5.1.3 and Arnold 7.1.2.
– updated Redshift extension to correctly output motion blurred un-deformed instances.
– Node Inspector correctly updates to a deselected state when no node is selected.

Yeti is Peregrine Labs major product focused on producing procedurally generated solutions such as fur, feathers and leaves within Autodesk Maya. The toolset has been developed as an end to end solution that easily integrates into most pipelines with ease and built with the goal of efficiently transporting and rendering the data generated while maintaining an artist friendly workflow.

Here I show you method which you can use for scattering any objects like snow, dust, any particles or even grass or leaves along the fur. I hope it’s helpful for you.
We are a privately held Canadian company with our studio located in the beautiful Dundas Valley Conservation Area less than an hour from Toronto. With a pedigree in the visual effects and animation industry the Peregrine Labs team has over 25 years experience working on some of the most memorable projects in cinema’s recent history. Our love of storytelling and the opportunities before us led to the founding of a sustainable studio with the goal of researching and developing new platforms to create memorable experiences.

Product: Peregrine Labs Yeti
Version: 4.1.5 for Autodesk Maya
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://peregrinelabs.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows / Linux / macOs *
Software Prerequisites: Autodesk Maya 2020-2023
Size: 602.6 mb


