Artlantis 是法国Abvent公司重量级渲染引擎,也是SKETCHUP的一个天然渲染伴侣,它是用于建筑室内和室外场景的专业渲染软件,其超凡的渲染速度与质量,无比友好和简洁的用户界面令人耳目一新,被誉为建筑绘图场景、建筑效果图画和多媒体制作领域的一场革命,其渲染速度极快,ARTLANTIS与SKETCHUP、3DMAX、ArchiCAD等建筑建模软件可以无缝链接,渲染后所有的绘图与动画影像呈现让人印象深刻。

Artlantis中许多高级的专有功能为任意的三维空间工程提供真实的基于硬件和灯光现实仿真技术。对于许多主流的建筑 CAD软件,如 ArchiCAD、 VectorWorks、SketchUp、AutoCAD、Arc+等,Artlanits 可以很好的支持输入通用的 CAD文件格式:DXF、DWG、3DS 等。

Windows x64 |语言:多语言|包括Artlantis媒体|文件大小:264.04 MB |大小解压后共 3.6 GB
Artlantis 2021 -建筑可视化领域的先驱,与市场上的所有3D建模软件兼容,是创建照片级真实感渲染和动画的最简单、最快速的解决方案。

Artlantis 2021 -新功能:

Artlantis 2021进入开放BIM世界!Artlantis 21因其几乎通用的会计方法而闻名并得到认可,现在它引入了IFC格式。这种新的性能,仅涉及模型的几何形状,允许Artlantis用户使用除他们自己的建模器之外的建模器接收来自对话者的任何模型,并且如果需要,在他们自己的工作工具中直接修改设计。

Artlantis 2021集成了lut、用于修改色度和对比度的过滤器,以便在预览和最终渲染中创建特定的氛围或校正图像。默认情况下,Artlantis 2021提供了一系列过滤器。如果用户希望使用任何自定义过滤器,他们可以导入他们喜欢的lut,这些lut在各种网站上都有免费或许可的版本。多维数据集文件。

使用Artlantis 2021,您可以选择界面:默认提供的界面或新的简易界面。在设置方面更加精细,它有许多预定义的值,并允许您按级别修改设置,例如“高、中或低”。这种方法更容易理解场景设置,简化和加快场景设置。无论是高级用户还是初学者,都可以根据自己的习惯、技术知识或喜好来使用它。

通过Artlantis 2021,Abvent推出了全新的媒体商店。在搜索引擎和人体工程学方面完全重新设计,它的好处是显而易见的:


-英特尔酷睿i7 4核以上处理器
-内存:16 GB
-系统:Windows 10 (64位)
-图形卡:2 GB管理OpenGL *
-显示屏:1920 x 1080像素



Artlantis 2021 – A pioneer in architectural visualization and compatible with all the 3D modeling software on the market, Artlantis is the easiest and fastest solution for creating photorealistic renderings and animations.

Artlantis 2021 – New Features:

IFC Import
Artlantis 2021 enters the world of Open BIM! Known and recognized for its almost universal accounting, Artlantis 21 now imports the IFC format. This new performance, concerning the model’s geometry only, allows the Artlantis user to receive any model from an interlocutor using a modeler other than their own and, if necessary, to modify the design directly in their own working tool.

Artlantis 2021 integrates LUTs, filters for modifying colorimetry and contrast in order to create a particular atmosphere or correct images in the preview and the final rendering.Artlantis 2021 offers a range of these filters by default. Should users wish to use any custom filter, they can import their preferred LUTs, which are available on various websites as free or licensed .CUBE files.

Easy Interface
With Artlantis 2021, you can choose the interface: the one offered by default or the new Easy interface. More refined in terms of settings, it has many predefined values ​​and allows you to modify the settings by level such as “high, medium or low”, for example. This approach makes it easier to understand settings, simplifies and speeds up scene-setting. Advanced users or beginners, all can use it according to their habits, their technical knowledge or their preferences.

With Artlantis 2021, Abvent launches a brand new MediaStore. Completely redesigned both in terms of search engine and ergonomics, its benefits are obvious:

– Clearer and more readable interface
– Faster navigation
– Faster and simpler media search (tag system)
– Direct access via the internet using an AbventID account
– Available for versions 5, 6, 7, 2019 and 2020 of Artlantis…. and ready for future versions!
Release Notes

Recommended Configuration:
– Intel® Core i7, 4+ Core
– RAM: 16 GB
– System: Windows 10 (64 bits)
– Graphic Card: 2 GB managing OpenGL *
– Display: 1920 x 1080 pixels
* Graphic chipsets are not supported

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