Learn Squared-CGI电影制作萨瓦·日夫科维奇

Sava Zivkovic是塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的设计师和3d艺术家。1989年出生,2012年毕业于贝尔格莱德艺术大学室内与家具设计系。他对电影和动画产生了强烈的热情,决定走上这条职业道路,并专注于运动图形、建筑动画和所有3d事物。他坚信要把时间投入到个人项目中,已经获得了CG行业的几个奖项和认可,并且还通过出版他的一些个人教程来回报行业。

时长:3小时20分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)

Sava Zivkovic is a designer and 3d artist based in Belgrade, Serbia. Born in 1989, he graduated from the Belgrade University of Arts in the department of Interior and Furniture design in 2012. Having developed a strong passion for film and animation, he decides to take on this career path and focuses on motion graphics, architectural animation and all things 3d. He has a strong belief in devoting time to personal projects, has received several awards and recognitions from the CG industry and has also given back to the industry by publishing some of his personal tutorials.

