轻量级性能,重拳出击!超级文本网格在移动平台上运行流畅,并且已经在PS4、Xbox One和任天堂Switch上的游戏版本中出现!
在任何项目中实现超级文本网格都是快速而简单的。检查员控制正好适合Unity的默认资产,甚至支持Playmaker和Adventure Creator这样的工具!
-***新* * *上标
-***新* * *下标
-* * *新的*** Unicode
资产使用SIL开放字体许可下的Itim字体,Walibi字体作为dafont 100%免费字体。详见包内3rdPartyComponentLicense.txt文件。
Flies like a Butterfly, Stings like a Bee
Lightweight performance, with a heavyweight punch! Super Text Mesh runs smooth on mobile platforms, and has been featured in game releases on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, too!
All Things, Considered
Auto wrap (text wrap), anchor points, and even best fit text are all configurable in the inspector. SDF Fonts are supported, and STM uses custom shaders to render drop shadows and outlines. There’s even a master switch to disable all animated text effects in your game, for easily-added accessibility.
Automatically Reads out Text
Smooth text reading, customizable animations, and even audio tools are built-in to make your game’s dialogue text worry-free.
Simple Interface, Strong Controls
It’s fast and easy to implement Super Text Mesh into any project. The inspector controls fit right in with Unity’s default assets, and there’s even support for tools like Playmaker and Adventure Creator!
Customizable, Expressive Rich Text Tags
-Bold, Italic, Size, Relative Size
-Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justified)
-Line Break
-Quads (Inline Images)
-Any Setting Can Be Changed Mid-String!
-***NEW*** Superscript
-***NEW*** Subscript
-***NEW*** Unicode
Check out the documentation for a full list of features!
–List of games that use my assets
–Official Website
–Online Documentation
–Support Forum
–Contact Me
Asset uses Itim font under SIL Open Font License, and Walibi font as a dafont 100% free font. See 3rdPartyComponentLicense.txt file in package for details.
2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
5、云桥CG资源站,感谢您的赞赏与支持!平台所收取打赏费用仅作为平台服务器租赁及人员维护资金 费用不为素材本身费用,望理解知悉!