K-POP SERIES – Ryu 可爱的韩国女孩Ryu的3d模型。她有3种不同的服装,ARKit blendshapes,许多颜色的选择。她将是一个跳舞、唱歌或约会游戏的完美角色。
可爱的韩国女孩Ryu的完美3d模型。她有3种不同的服装,ARKit blendshapes,一个史诗骨架钻机,和许多颜色的选择。她将是跳舞、唱歌或约会游戏的完美角色。渲染是在绒猴工具包3。
⚙️ Rig
This Character rig is based on UE4 Mannequin skeleton. The main bones hierarchy is remained untouched for easy retargeting. With additional bones you can apply physics to different parts. The rig is made in Maya without plugins and does not have controls. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: eye_l/r, breast_l/r, hair_back_01_l/r, hair_front_01-03_l, hair_back_01-03_mid, earring_r/l, perf_belt_01, perf_skirt_01-05_01-04, casual_skirt_back/side/front_01-03_l/r, casual_skirt_fix_bone_front/back_01-02
Character’s Rig has been tested with various animations, such as:
🌟 ALSv4
🌟 3rd person standard animations
🌟 Female Interactions Animations
🌟 Mocap Library
🌟 ARLS + Horse Animset
🌟 Succubus AnimSet
🌟 Valley of the Ancient
🌟 Close Combat: Swordsman
🌟 Lyra Starter Game
😡 Blendshapes
Perfectly calibrated 52 Apple Blendshapes. Tested with Live Link Face in Unreal Engine 5.
Can be used for Live Stream facial animations, LiveLinkFace, FaceWare, Facial Mocap, VTuber Avatar, VRchat, MMD, etc.
🔥 Different Outfits and Modularity
The model is completely modular, you can remove or add any part you want.
Contains 3 Outfits: Casual • Performance • Lingerie
🔰 Please note that:
Clothes can be taken off completely, and full-body is included.
Body texture has censored and uncensored (request) versions.
Adult parts are not modeled and do not have morphs or a rig. It’s only a plain texture.
To avoid body intersection through clothes the body is sliced into pieces.
Pieces that are hidden under the clothes must be turned off. It also reduces the polycount!
⚡️ And more!
⚔️ Material ID Maps for
🌟 Skin
🌟 Eyes
🌟 Hair
🌟 Outfit Parts
A Material ID map is used for changing the colors of a BaseMap separately.
Use the included Material Instances to change the colors easily.
⚔️ 4K Textures
🌟 BaseColour, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, MatID, opacity, emissive
🌟 8 Texture sets: Body, Head, Clothes, Shoes, Teeth, Hair, Eyes, Lashes
🌟 Textures are packed for better optimization
⚔️ Unreal Engine Project
🌟 Supported version: 4.19+
🌟 Epic Skeleton rig with additional bones
🌟 For facial animations use Morph Targets
🌟 Physics are not included. It’s advisable to use KawaiiPhysics plugin for the best-looking results.
🌟 Material Instances with MatID map for color change are included
🌟 3rd person standard animations are included
🌟 Separated Meshes for Master Pose / Leader Component are included
🌟 Wind Simulation for Hair!
🌟 Blueprints are not included
• • • 🎓FAQ
Q: Need help with the model, how to contact you?
A: The best way to contact me is through e-mail 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com. Expect an answer in 1-3 working days.
Q: Can I create an NFT with your model or sell it as a VRchat avatar?
A: No, it is prohibited to use my models for creating non-fungible tokens, or use in other blockchains. It is also prohibited to re-sell my models as a VRChat avatar, even if applying changes to them. It is also prohibited to sell images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.) of my models.
Q: Can I use this model in Blender / Cinema4D / 3dsMax / etc.?
A: Yes, you can. File formats such as .fbx can be imported anywhere. However, the rig and blendshapes are originally made in Maya and some software might not recognize them correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot give you support for this software because I do not have any experience with them. The only software that I support is Maya, Unreal Engine, and Unity.
My customers have reported to me that my models work in Blender.
Q: Are clothes from other models compatible?
A: Some are compatible, and some are not. More info 🔗here >
Q: How do I get the full archives?
A: Request it through e-mail 📧 idafaber3d@gmail.com. For verification purposes, I will ask you for the Invoice ID. Expect an answer in 1-3 working days.
Q: Can I request customization? Are you available for commissions?
A: Unfortunately, I’m unavailable for any kind of commission.
Blendshapes / Morph Targets / Facial Expressions
Wind simulation for hair
Epic Skeleton with additional bones
3rd person character animations are included
Material Instances
Color change of any part
Different outfits
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Animations: retarget
Number of characters: 4
Vertex counts of characters:
SK_RYU_NUDE_LOD 0: ~ verts 29004
SK_RYU_PERFORMANCE_LOD 0: ~ verts 37074
SK_RYU_CASUAL_LOD 0: ~ verts 37034
SK_RYU_LINGERIE_LOD 0: ~ verts 30281
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 39
Number of Textures: 55
Texture Resolutions: 4096×4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: no
Important/Additional Notes: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO BLUEPRINTS! Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: eye_l/r, breast_l/r, hair_back_01_l/r, hair_front_01-03_l, hair_back_01-03_mid, earring_r/l, perf_belt_01, perf_skirt_01-05_01-04, casual_skirt_back/side/front_01-03_l/r, casual_skirt_fix_bone_front/back_01-02
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