ever motion–ArchMaterials第4卷:视差内部
Archmaterials vol. 4是我们第一个开放着色语言(OSL)的室内视差贴图集。视差贴图可以添加到一个平面上——但是在渲染时,你会得到一个有深度感的内部。房间本身不包含额外的几何体,内部只存在于着色器中。您可以轻松快速地为您的建筑添加许多内部装饰,几乎没有任何性能成本。该系列非常适合在摩天大楼和商店展览中进行室内设计。
格式:max, exr Software: *.max – 2013 or higher Renderers: V-Ray *.max – 3.5 or higher , Corona *.max
Archmaterials vol. 4 is our first Open Shading Language (OSL) Parallax Maps collection of room interiors. Parallax maps can be added to a single plane – but in the render you get an interior with a real depth feeling. The room itself contains no extra geometry, the interiors exist only in a shader. You can easily and quickly add many interiors for your buildings at almost no performance cost. This collection is ideal for creating interiors in skyscrapers and shop expositions.
Interior Maps are EXR texture files. What makes them special is that you can assign them to the 2d planes and in the render you will see the 3d interior with a sense of depth that holds even when moving camera around the scene.
This technique was used to create skyscrapers’ interiors in Marvel’s Spider Man game, it also became popular in architectural visualization – because it lets you to create buildings with interiors quickly and easy and it is very fast to render.
Formats: max, exr Software: *.max – 2013 or higher Renderers: V-Ray *.max – 3.5 or higher , Corona *.max
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