本教程适用于那里的初学者。 照明很棘手。 正确的事情并不总是最明显的事情,虚幻中的光照在这之上提出了自己的挑战。 这就是这段视频的用武之地,我们将在其中了解光的所有基础知识,我们可以使用什么样的光,它们的工作原理,如何充分利用它们,然后深入解释光是如何产生的 在现实世界中表现,并在虚幻中模仿。 然后,我们将学习如何从头开始照亮环境,两次。 一次用于白天照明,第二次用于阴天、黑暗、喜怒无常的白天

This tutorial is for the beginners out there. Lighting is tricky. It’s not always the most obvious thing to get right, and lighting in Unreal poses its own share of challenges on top of that. That’s where this video comes in, where we’ll learn all about the very fundamentals of light, what kind of lights are available to us, how they work, how to make of the most of them, followed by a deep explanation of how light behaves in the real world, and mimicking that in Unreal. Then we’ll learn how to light an environment from total scratch, twice. Once for a daytime lighting, and a second time for an overcast, dark, moody day look.
Fasten your seatbelt because this is a long one! Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 for Beginners

