学习在Blender中设计和渲染定制赛车的车身,并在Illustrator中用醒目的贴花赋予它们生命,为汽车设计车身和贴花,包括制作赛车的视觉外观,是一种创造性的方式来激发你内心的童心,同时发展你作为3D艺术家的技能。作为一名老爷车爱好者和汽车媒体设计师,Davide Virdis参与了玛莎拉蒂的Fuoriserie定制项目,并在阿布扎比参与了迈凯轮F1赛车的车身设计。Domestika – Intro to 3D Livery Design Decals for Digital Cars in Blender
持续时间2小时 48分钟 包括项目文件 3840X2160 .ts 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
认识一下汽车媒体设计师Davide Virdis和您的课程老师。在了解他的影响和灵感之前,先听听他的创作历程,以及他是如何开始从事制服设计的。
Title: Domestika – Intro to 3D Livery Design Decals for Digital Cars in Blender
Learn to design and render livery for custom racing cars in Blender and bring them to life with eye-catching decals in Illustrator
Designing livery and decal for cars, which consists of crafting the visual aspect of a racing car, is a creative way to bring out your inner child while developing your skills as a 3D artist. As a classic car enthusiast and an automotive media designer, Davide Virdis has worked on Maserati’s Fuoriserie customization program and collaborated in the design of McLaren’s F1 livery at Abu Dhabi.
In this online course, David introduces you to the world of motorsport and racing liveries by teaching you how to design your own in 3D. Discover how to detail your favorite set of wheels to your heart’s content.
What will you learn in this online course?
Meet Davide Virdis, an automotive media designer, and your teacher for this course. Hear about his creative journey, and how he got started in the word of livery design, before learning about his influences and inspirations.
Get a brief history of livery design, before choosing the visual direction of your final project. Search for references, and sketch your idea out.
Davide then teaches you the modding technique he uses, and walks you through how to put the car together and design its various components.
See how to add the livery using Illustrator.
Next, learn how to set your vehicle in its environment and render out our image. Davide then shows you a few techniques to rework your images, and shares tips for posting them online.
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