Autodesk Revit 2024 是Autodesk公司为建筑师、景观设计师,结构工程师,软件MEP工程师,设计师和承包商开发的一套建筑资讯模型软件。它支援用户以3D形式设计建筑物和结构及其族群,使用2D绘图元素注释模型,并从建筑模型的数据库存取建筑资讯。Revit是4D BIM,可以使用工具来规划和追踪建筑物生命周期中的各个阶段,从概念到施工以及后来的维护或拆除。
另一家工程设计软件公司Autodesk Autodesk Revit family是专为建模建筑(建筑信息建模或缩写为BIM)设计和制作而设计的。一组单词“振兴”和“振兴”意味着赋予生命和生命,Taz hdadn和power up软件创建复杂的设计显示。设施和软件
x64 |语言:多语言|文件大小:9.15 GB
Autodesk Revit的功能
-与AutoCAD和3ds Max软件交换数据
Another engineering and design software company Autodesk Autodesk Revit family is designed for modeling building (Building Information Modeling or abbreviated BIM) design and production. The set of words Revitalization and Revitalize means life-giving and life taken Taz·hdadn and power up the software to create complex designs shows. Facilities and software
features of Autodesk Revit
-Simple user interface with the ability to learn fast
-two-dimensional and three-dimensional design and drawing maps of the building
-The ability to make connections between architectural plans, structures, and coordination between them and …
-Ability to use as user and group people on a project
-identify and remove errors conformity of views, sections and plans
-4D BIM capabilities for financial management and project cost estimates based on time
-Ability to calculate meter building and a quick change of the map changes
-exchange data with AutoCAD and 3ds Max software
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