使用Revit 2024进行建筑设计。本课程专为之前没有Revit经验但希望学习基础知识的学生设计。讲师Paul F. Aubin首先帮助您熟悉Revit环境。他演示了如何设置项目,以及如何添加网格、标高和尺寸标注来固定您的设计。然后保罗帮助你深入建模:添加墙壁、门和窗户;使用连接和约束;创建组;链接到DWG文件;以及模拟地板、屋顶和天花板。他还展示了建模楼梯和复杂墙壁、添加房间和创建明细表的高级技术。最后,了解如何注释您的图纸,以便清楚地理解所有组件,以及将图纸输出到PDF和AutoCAD。Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:16小时28分钟|大小:7.4 GB 含课程文件
Get up and running with Revit 2024 for architectural design. This course is designed for students who have no prior Revit experience and want to learn the basics. Instructor Paul F. Aubin begins by helping you get comfortable with the Revit environment. He demonstrates how to set up a project and add the grids, levels, and dimensions that will anchor your design. Then Paul helps you dive into modeling: Adding walls, doors, and windows; using joins and constraints; creating groups; linking to DWG files; and modeling floors, roofs, and ceilings. He also shows advanced techniques for modeling stairs and complex walls, adding rooms, and creating schedules. Finally, discover how to annotate your drawings so all the components are clearly understood, as well as output sheets to PDF and AutoCAD.
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