完全支持Unity 5.5及更高版本的GPU实例化
Have you ever had issues with unity’s grass performance? whether its spikes, overall performance or the features that comes with it? Did you ever want to easily interact with the terrain trees?
Then uNature is what you are looking for!
uNature is a powerful and fully documented system that handles both grass and interactable trees.
uNature handles the grass very differently than the other systems on the asset store at the moment and has a lot of features, such as:
• Very powerful, procedural grass mechanics (Draw anywhere you want on your scene, whether its a terrain or any kind of a surface without it affecting your performance. Note that multiple stacked surfaces aren’t supported as of yet [Multiple layers are planned])
* FULL LODs support including mesh lods support with also density based LODs. FULLY Multithreaded
• Supports color maps (read colors from the surface), dynamic surfaces and soon translucency
• Supports shadow casting, custom rendering layer for each prototype, LODs and individual wind setting.
• Works on the GPU and fully utilizes the power of the machine. Reducing all of the spikes that unity’s grass has and allows instant grass modifications. Yes, That means NO MORE patch rebuilding!!!!
• Full support for GPU Instancing for Unity 5.5 and above
• Fully modular, can be customized to work on almost any scenario and can be used on any platform other than Android versions that use Shader Model 2.
• Copies from the terrain precisely and takes exactly 2 min to set it up in your project.
• Interactions (Touch Bending and more coming soon)
• Documented and an extremely clean code.
• Comes with a very clear documentation and API document.
But wait, uNature doesn’t just handle grass, it also adds interactions to the terrain trees and it allows you to:
• Add any kind of an interaction to the trees on the terrain.
• Comes with a built-in “harvestable” tree instance script that works great.
• Super modular and can be extended.
• Integrated with UFPS, Photon Cloud, Photon Bolt, Forge Networking, UNet.
Note that the assets in the pictures are not included with the project. But the ones that are included can be used in your game.
2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
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