Twinmotion是一款致力于建筑、城市规划和景观可视化的专业3D实时渲染软件。它是开发者和世界上百家建筑公司共同合作完成的梦想结晶。 其非凡的响应能力使设计师仿佛置身于一个交互式的生态系统中来探索新的领域,帮助设计师设计、共享和展示其 作品。此外,与传统的漫长渲染过程相比,Twinmotion极快的渲染速度可在几秒钟内导出高质量图像、视频和360度全景文件。同时,制作导出的3D立体视频与3D设备(3D电视,3D投影仪等)结合后能够为您带来逼真体验。 它与市场上所有常用的3D软件无缝连接。其超高质量的可视化渲染效果使其排在当今3D虚拟现实软件的前沿。



只有您想不到,没有Twinmotion做不到的:雕刻地形并为其绘制纹理; 使用自定义或软件自带资源修改材质;通过输入日期和精确地理定位来调节光照;添加一个人物或添加一组人群;制备一辆汽车或添加车流动画;绘制车辆的路径并开启行进模式;将一池水潭变为汪洋大海;快速创建森林;调节一棵或整片森林的树叶颜色;将雨滴变为雪花;通过各种移动模式(行走、车速、飞行)从各个视角观察您的项目。


这个版本是他们老/早期虚幻引擎用户的“完整”版本..我可以输出8k(7680×4320)图像和4k 120fps视频

包含 2023.1版本 包含:2022.2.3 Win 无限试用版本 与2021.1 Win版本

Epic Games发布了Twinmotion 2022.2.3,这是其实时可视化软件的修复版本。2022.2版本是全面的新功能和增强,既增加了实用的新功能,又改善了整体用户体验。


2022.2版本包括新的HDRI背景功能、超高分辨率渲染、Sketchfab集成、数百种新的原生Twinmotion资产、对Twinmotion Cloud上更复杂的演示的支持等等。

在本视频中,我们将深入了解Twinmotion 2022.2的新功能。
Epic Games成立于1991年,是一家领先的互动娱乐公司和3D引擎技术提供商。Epic运营堡垒之夜,这是世界上最大的游戏之一,拥有超过3.5亿个帐户和25亿个朋友联系。Epic还开发了虚幻引擎,该引擎为世界领先的游戏提供动力,并被电影和电视、建筑、汽车、制造和模拟等行业采用。通过虚幻引擎、Epic游戏商店和Epic在线服务,Epic为开发者和创作者提供了一个端到端的数字生态系统,以构建、分发和运营游戏和其他内容。Epic在全球拥有40多个办事处,总部位于北卡罗来纳州的卡里。

版本:2022.2.3 与2021.1
系统要求:Windows *
大小:16.4 Gb

Twinmotion 2021.1为创建、开发和展示您的可视化效果提供了强大的新可能性,巩固了其作为整个archviz管道(从最初的概念到高级照片级体验)的重要组成部分的地位,并成为Epic游戏生态系统中完全连接的成员。此外,在此版本中,我们将继续努力增强现有功能和工作流程,以响应客户反馈。


虚幻引擎的一个新插件,可以让你导入Twinmotion项目到虚幻编辑器。通过这种扩展的管道,建筑师可以在Twinmotion中传达初步的概念想法,例如直观地指示材质、照明、背景和其他项目元素的类型,然后将项目传递给可视化专家,以便在Unreal Engine中进一步完善,包括精确的照明和材质场景、更高质量的可视化输出、动画和其他高级行为。

在Unreal Engine中,您可以为项目添加高级功能,例如使用变体管理器来呈现定制的设计选项。


Epic将Quixel Megascans 3D资产和表面类别集成到Twinmotion资产库中,便于在Twinmotion项目中直接浏览和访问。资产在下载使用之前存储在云上,减少了本地存储需求。


Datasmith Direct Link现在可以与Revit配合使用,使您可以聚合代表不同阶段的多个Revit文件。

Epic Games has unveiled Twinmotion 2022.2.3, the hotfix release of its real-time visualisation software. The 2022.2 release is new features and enhancements across the board that both add practical new capabilities and improve the overall user experience.

Timezone Database Update
Correct shadow representation is now based on an updated timezone database for 2022.
– Jordan and Syria are abandoning the daylight savings time system and are changing to permanent standard time so they will not fall back on October 28, 2022.
– In Tijuana, permanent standard time now starts at midnight instead of 01:00 AM.
– The temporary advancement of clocks in central Mexico in the summer of 1931 is now treated as daylight savings time, instead of as two changes to permanent standard time.
Automatic ‘Ground’ Placement for Virtual Reality (VR)
When in VR mode (either in a Local Presentation or in the Viewport) you can teleport to a saved media Image or Panorama in a Presentation. During this process, the camera is now automatically placed on the closest walking plane according to the Eye level height / Floor height setting of the VR headset.
Note: This functionality only occurs when the camera is placed 10 meters or lower above the closest walking plane.

Twinmotion is an intuitive, real-time, immersive 3D visualization tool. With an easy-to-use icon-driven interface and the power of Unreal Engine, it empowers architecture, construction, urban planning, and landscaping professionals to produce high-quality visualizations and easily share them using the Twinmotion Cloud-based service.
The 2022.2 release includes a new HDRI Backdrop feature, super-high-res rendering, Sketchfab integration, hundreds of new native Twinmotion assets, support for significantly more complex Presentations on Twinmotion Cloud, and much, much more.

In this video, we dive into the new features in Twinmotion 2022.2.
Founded in 1991, Epic Games is a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology. Epic operates Fortnite, one of the world’s largest games with over 350 million accounts and 2.5 billion friend connections. Epic also develops Unreal Engine, which powers the world’s leading games and is adopted across industries such as film and television, architecture, automotive, manufacturing, and simulation. Through Unreal Engine, Epic Games Store, and Epic Online Services, Epic provides an end-to-end digital ecosystem for developers and creators to build, distribute, and operate games and other content. Epic has over 40 offices worldwide with headquarters in Cary, North Carolina.

Product: Twinmotion
Version: 2022.2.3
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 17.4 Gb


