当涉及到为游戏设计一个敌人的boss角色时,你从哪里开始呢?对J.P. Targete来说,答案就在过程本身。在这个4小时的研讨会中,J.P .探索、讨论并演示了如何使用Photoshop设计一个敌人/boss的生物设计,从构思草图到完成的概念设计。

在《血肉TEK——第一卷》中,你将学习到所有你需要知道的设计的基本要素,以便将你的初步构思发展成最终的彩色2D概念。在整个课程中,你会发现J.P .的思维过程,并看到他如何从一个想法迭代到下一个想法,以创造设计的变体。你还将开发一些易于掌握的Photoshop技巧,这些技巧是J.P .多年来一直在使用并取得巨大成功的。The Gnomon Workshop – Enemy Creature Design for Games: FLESH-TEK – Vol. 1

J.P .是一位高度成功的自由概念艺术家和插图画家,拥有25年为出版和娱乐行业创作插图和概念的经验。在这个彻底的工作坊中,他有意使用简单而关键的描述,让所有层次的艺术家都能接触到他的过程。该工作坊的目标是具备Photoshop工作知识的艺术家,并期望他们具备标准绘图和数字绘画技能。

本课程会提供的项目文件包括J.P .的概念设计和最终概念设计Photoshop文件,供您参考。

在《血肉take第二卷》中,J.P .将采用已完成的2D敌人老板概念设计,并用3D-Coat制作一个全绘的3D造型。即将举行的研讨会将介绍3D-Coat提供的所有关键工具,并讨论它们在为您的设计增加真实感和深度方面的益处和强大功能。


格式:高清1920×1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译) 大小:5.61G 含课程文件

The Gnomon Workshop – Enemy Creature Design for Games: FLESH-TEK – Vol. 1.
When it comes to designing an enemy boss character for a game, where do you begin? For J.P. Targete, the answers lie in the process itself. In this 4-hour workshop, J.P. explores, discusses, and demonstrates how to design an enemy/boss creature design, from ideation sketch through to the finished concept design using Photoshop.

In FLESH-TEK — Vol. 1, you will learn all the essential elements of design that you need to know to move forward with your preliminary ideations through to a final colored 2D concept. Throughout this workshop, you’ll discover J.P.’s thought process and see how he iterates from one idea to the next to create variants of a design. You will also develop some easy-to-follow Photoshop techniques that J.P. has been using throughout the years to great success.

J.P. is a highly accomplished freelance concept artist and illustrator with 25 years of experience creating illustrations and concepts for the publishing and entertainment industries. In this thorough workshop, he intentionally uses simple-yet-key descriptions throughout to make his process accessible to all levels of artists. The workshop is aimed at artists with some prior working knowledge of Photoshop, and standard drawing and digital painting skills are expected.

Project files supplied with this workshop include J.P.’s ideation design and final concept design Photoshop files for your reference.

Coming Soon:
In FLESH-TEK — Vol. 2, J.P. will take the completed 2D enemy boss concept design and create a fully painted 3D sculpt in 3D-Coat. The forthcoming workshop will walk through all of the key tools that 3D-Coat offers, and discusses how beneficial and powerful they can be to add realism and depth to your designs.

Duration: 247 Minutes

Format: HD 1920×1080

