作为这个Nuke大师班的其他课程,你将获得一个很棒的镜头,展示你将学到的所有专业技术。我将要与你分享的这些技巧和诀窍是我作为一名资深合成艺术家日常工具箱的一部分,我将它们用于任何CG渲染。CGCircuit – Mastering Nuke Vol. 4
时长:3小时38分 1280X720 语言:英语 含课程文件
In this online course, you will learn everything you need to know about render passes, AOVs and layers. How to use them properly to enhance your compositing workflow, and get the best out of your CG renders. In this course you will as well learn how to use a concept art, colour keys and reference images to direct your work.
As the other courses from this Nuke master class, you will achieve a great shot that will illustrate all the professionals techniques that you’ll learn. Those tips and tricks I’m about to share with you are part of my everyday toolbox as a senior compositing artist, and I’m using them with any CG renders.
At the end of this course, you’ll be confident working with multi-AOVs renders, and you’ll be able to take the look of your CG renders to the next level.
This course is part of the Mastering Nuke series, and we will build on what we previously learned in the 3 first courses.
I’m Florian Girardot. I’m a senior visual effect artist specialized in Compositing. I’ve been working in the movie industry for more than 10 years.
This entire curriculum is based on both my professional and teaching experiences.
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