在本课程中,你将学习如何用Houdini的VDB系统创建高分辨率的有机破坏。这种工作方式可以让你在没有超级计算机的情况下更快地模拟RND。CGcircuit – VDB Fracturing in Houdini
时长1小时42分钟 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
CGcircuit – VDB Fracturing in Houdini English
In this course, you will learn how to create high-resolution organic destructions with Houdini’s VDB system. This way of working will allow you to simulate RND faster without having a super-powerful computer.
Don’t worry about the level because I am going to explain the course node by node and if you have any questions you can always send me an email ; )
All the elements are going to be simulated. We are not going to animate anything with keyframes. We will create the wrecking ball doing a Vellum simulation.
All documentation, models, HDRI, and scenes are included.
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