
关于如何在虚幻引擎 5 中创建逼真的皮肤的完整深度综合分步教程,这个深度教程的美妙之处不是学习着色器并使用它,而是了解材质功能、模块、开关、遮罩、以及它们在 Unreal 中的许多工作原理,有了这些知识,您不仅可以通过理解逻辑在 Unreal 5 中构建皮肤材质,还可以构建任何材质样式。不要跳过任何视频,因为每节课都有魔术和技巧。感谢您花时间分享您的知识。Artstation – Unreal Master Material For Skin – Nick Rutlinh

持续时间6小时30分钟 包括项目文件 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)

标题:art station–皮肤的虚幻主材质–Nick Rutlinh

In this tutorial I will be going through my entire process for creating a master skin material in Unreal Engine 5 using the new VFACE asset from Texturing XYZ. Included will be over 6.5 hours of creation as well as project files you can look through and use with your own assets.

Make sure you turn off Game Settings by clicking the Lit button within the viewport. This will ensure that you are using the post process volume settings.

