建筑师——高级室内可视化 Archvizartist – Advanced Interior Visualizations
时长:共12小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
The best online advanced video course for 3DS MAX, Corona Renderer, and Photoshop.
What will you learn?
# 1
Rules for Perfect Image
If you want to create visualization at the advanced level, you need to start with the idea. This is a step that starts even before the production process. As if we have this one figured out, every decision during creating the image becomes easy and makes perfect sense. It not only speeds up the workflow as you have a specific goal you are willing to achieve but also it can level up your visualizations.
# 2
Camera Setup & Composition
You will learn the process of selecting a camera angle in more complex interior projects like the bar space we present. This is one of the most important steps during the process of creating the visualizations and the foundation for a successful image. Especially if you want to create advanced visualizations, your cameras should create more than just a shot, they should tell a story per se. Sometimes it’s about looking for unobvious views, another time it’s more about simplicity. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve.
# 3
Lighting as a Tool to Add Mood
Lighting plays a huge role in creating mood and atmosphere in the space. It is the most powerful tool to capture emotions. It is a great tool that can help you present space in a specific way. This is why it is so important to use it in the right way. Creating successful lighting scenarios is a foundation in creating visualizations that help to grab the attention of viewers and stand out among other images.
# 4
Advanced Materials
There is a huge gap between basic materials and advanced ones, and it mainly refers to the level of details. If you understand materials in real life and know how to recreate them, your visualizations will jump to a totally new level. During this course, you will learn how to create advanced, high-quality materials that help you in achieving realism in your visualizations.
# 5
Postproduction is one of these things that can help or break your image. We approach post production as a tool to add mood, atmosphere to the image, to highlight the most important parts of the visualization, to keep general balance and color balance. We avoid using it as a way of fixing problems from the 3d software. You will learn this approach across the lessons, this will help you improve your images instead of breaking them.
# 6
Detail Shots
The detail shots, the so-called vignettes are a great way of showing the project from a different perspective. Instead of showing the whole space, you show only part of it. This way, the images are more intimate and lots of the time help to understand the design better, to enhance the atmosphere and feel of the place.
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