通过Wojtek Piwowarczyk(电影、动画和游戏电影技术的环境通才TD)的这个研讨会,学习使用Arnold创建照片级的程序着色器,并利用Houdini的程序性质。在8.5小时的过程中,Wojtek展示了他个人在制作中使用的技术,这些技术是在为各种娱乐项目创造视觉效果时开发的。他不仅涵盖了创建程序着色器的详细方法,而且还讨论了如何Houdini的程序性质可以用来充分发挥作用。您将学习几种从源几何体中提取信息以创建有效着色器的技术,因为它是程序性的,所以您可以将它们应用于任何模型,甚至可以在未来的项目中完全或部分地重用它们。The Gnomon Workshop – Procedural Shading Techniques For Houdini & Arnold
持续时间8小时30分钟 包括项目文件 1920X1080 MP4
使用的软件:ZBrush Houdini Arnold
Learn to create photorealistic procedural shaders with Arnold and take advantage of the procedural nature of Houdini with this workshop by Wojtek Piwowarczyk, Environment Generalist TD for film, animation, and game cinematics.
During the course of 8.5 hours, Wojtek reveals his personal collection of techniques used in production and developed over several years while creating visual effects for a variety of entertainment projects. He covers not only detailed methods for creating procedural shaders but also discusses how Houdini’s procedural nature can be used to full effect. You’ll learn several techniques for extracting information from source geometry to create effective shaders — and because it’s procedural, you’ll be able to apply them to any models, and even reuse them entirely, or in parts, on future projects.
Wojtek’s ultimate goal for this workshop is to give viewers a solid foundation for procedural shading and an understanding of look development for surfaces. The robust methods he demonstrates for building shaders are techniques that are universal and will remain useful regardless of software, meaning your skills will stay relevant in the ever-evolving world of computer graphics. By completing this workshop, you should have developed the confidence to create any type of surface for any project.
ZBrush and Photoshop are also used in this workshop as part of the workflow. Project files include a complete Houdini scene with final processed objects, lighting, and shaders to assist with learning, as well as a breakdown of all the steps and shading techniques presented in the tutorial. The package also contains 3D models, ZBrush files, and baked displacement textures for relevant objects plus proxies for the Megascans textures used. This complete set allows you to recreate the scene from the tutorial and will serve as a base for your own look-development experiments.
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