学习如何在没有任何插件的情况下,从正面操纵和动画你想要的任何角色。嗨伙计们!无论你是一个动作设计师还是一个专业的动画师,你可能已经被提供了一些项目,在这些项目中,你必须从正面来装配和动画角色。但是由于你不熟悉前视动画的基础和原理,你拒绝了这个项目。不过,不用再担心了!Rigging & Animation from the Front View in After Effects
时长1小时40分钟 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
After Effects中前视图的装配和动画
Rigging & Animation from the Front View in After Effects
Learn how to rig and Animate any character you want from the front view without any plugins.
What you’ll learn
Rigging Without any Plugins and Scripts
Preparing Character For Rigging
Rigging Character From the Front View
Create Walk Cycle Animation From the Front view
Create Run Cycle Animation From the Front view
Replacing Character With Another After Rigging and Animation
You must be Familiar With After Effects
Hi Guys!Whether you’re a motion designer or a professional animator, you have probably been offered projects in which you have to rig and animate a character from the front view. But since you weren’t familiar with the basics and principles of front-view animation, you turned down the projects. However, Don’t worry anymore! In this course, I’ll show you how to rig and animate a character from the front view using a straightforward and practical method that doesn’t require any plugins or scripts.I’ll begin this course by covering some fundamental topics, such as preparing the character for rigging. Once that’s done, I’ll move on to rigging a character from the front view. You will learn how to animate properly and how different parts of the character are animated. And how to use the references to create the walk cycle. Next, you’ll learn how to create an infinite background and loop the animation.In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to create a run cycle for the character you’ve rigged before with the help of the reference.And the last chapter, you’ll learn how to replace your character with a different one without having to redo any of your Rigging and animation work.Please note that this course is intended for intermediate to advanced-level motion designers.So, if you are still in the beginning, I highly recommend starting with my Motion Hero course before diving into this course.
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