了解如何使用Gamemaker简单的GML视觉语言从头开始创建一个受Mario启发的平台游戏,你曾经想要创造你自己的游戏吗?& nbsp这个课程将向你展示如何使用Gamemakers超级直觉GML创建一个小平台游戏& nbsp可视代码块系统。您可以在几个小时内创建并运行一个很酷的游戏,然后您可以将其导出为独立游戏与朋友分享,或者上传到Gamemaker的社区GX游戏网站供全世界玩。您将学习如何创建一个玩家角色并实现一个简单的碰撞系统,以便他们可以奔跑,扑向敌人,打破方块,射击他们的魔杖,收集能量并打破神秘的方块,以完成关卡。& nbsp你将学习如何添加多个敌人来追逐和挑战玩家。然后,您将学习如何创建多个级别,以及如何设置这些级别之间的平滑淡入淡出过渡。我们添加玩家生活,关卡,粒子效果,声音,最后我们添加一个标题序列,给你的游戏一个专业的感觉。Your First Game in Gamemaker
该课程由使用Gamemaker超过10年的皮特·摩根主讲。& nbsp他创建了评价很高的Udemy“如何在Gamemaker中制作基于磁贴的游戏”课程,这仍然是Udemy上评价最高的游戏制作课程之一。他还直接为Opera的游戏制作人Youtube页面创建教程,并且是Opera教练计划的官方游戏制作人蔻驰。
由Peter Morgan创造
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:8小时8分钟|大小:7.48 GB 含课程文件
Learn how to create a Mario inspired platform game from scratch using Gamemaker’s simple GML Visual language
What you’ll learn
Learn the basics of working within Gamemaker, one of the best tools for making 2D games
Code a player character that moves, jumps, shoots and can jump on enemies heads while collecting powerups and coins
Create enemy creatures which have specific behavior allowing some to chase and damage the player
Produce a complete game with a title screen, multiple levels, room intro names, transitions, particle effects, checkpoints and sounds
No programming skills required, but a willingness to solve problems is recommended
Have you ever wanted to create your own game? Well this course will show you how to create a small platform game using Gamemakers super intuitive GML Visual codeblock system. You can have a cool game up and running in a matter of hours, and you can then export it as a stand alone game to share with friends, or upload it to Gamemaker’s community GX games website for the world to play.You will learn how to create a player character and implement a simple collision system so they can then run, jump on enemies, break blocks, shoot their wand, collect powerups and break mystery blocks in order to complete the level. You will learn how to add multiple enemies who will chase and challenge the player.You will then learn how to create multiple levels and how to set up smooth fading transitions between those levels. We add player lives, checkpoints, particle effects, sounds and then finally we then add a title sequence, to give your game a professional feel.The course is presented by Peter Morgan, who has been using Gamemaker for over 10 years. He created the highly rated Udemy “How to Make Tile Based Games in Gamemaker” course, and which is still one of the highest rated Gamemaker courses on Udemy. He also creates tutorials directly for Opera’s Gamemaker Youtube page, as well as being an official Gamemaker Coach with the Opera coaching program.
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