你有没有想过为什么你的刀具轨迹在你的CAM系统中看起来很棒,但在你的铣床上却不是?这不再是你必须考虑的事情,因为有了CAMplete TruePath,答案就很清楚了。CAMplete TruePath在CAM系统和5轴机床之间架起了一座桥梁。它提供了在3D环境中进行后处理、验证和模拟5轴刀具路径所需的一切。
CAMplete TruePath是一款易于使用的应用程序,可将您从CAM系统高效、安全地带到您的机器上。使用来自所有行业领先的CAM系统的刀具路径数据,TruePath的可定制后处理器允许您以您需要的方式输出NC程序,无需在机器上编辑。5轴仿真、可视化和验证工具让您在运行一行g代码之前,就有信心知道您的机器将如何运行。
x64 |语言:多语言|文件大小:728 MB
CAMplete TruePath是终极后处理器。很容易在不同的CAM系统之间切换,或者在一个项目中组合来自不同CAM系统的刀具轨迹。
CAMplete TruePath从第一天起就准备好了所有软件选项。没有来自选项或附加组件的意外成本,当您收到机器时,一个完整的解决方案已准备就绪。
操作系统:64位微软Windows 10。有关支持信息,请参见Autodesk的产品支持生命周期。
内存:8 GB内存
Have you ever wondered why your tool paths look great in your CAM System but not on your milling machine? This is no longer something you have to consider, because with CAMplete TruePath the answer is clear. CAMplete TruePath bridges the gap between your CAM systems and your 5-axis machines. It provides everything needed to post process, verify and simulate 5-Axis tool paths in a 3D environment.
CAMplete TruePath is an easy-to-use application that takes you from your CAM System to your machine efficiently and safely. Using toolpath data from all industry leading CAM Systems, TruePath’s customizable post-processor allows you to output your NC programs the way you need, with no on-machine editing required. 5-axis simulation, visualization and verification tools give you the confidence of knowing how your machine will behave before you run a single line of G-code.
Full G-Code Verification
CAMplete works closely with the builder, with exclusive machine models built exclusively from their original design data. These highly detailed and fully integrated machine models give you 100 percent confidence in your simulation.
Mutiple CAM Systems
CAMplete TruePath is the ultimate post processor. It’s easy to switch between different CAM Systems or combine tool paths from different CAM Systems in a single project.
Proven Post Processor
Implementing TruePath in your shop gives you a proven post processor with standard formats developed in conjunction with your machine tool builder so you can get started on day one.
Complete Solution
CAMplete TruePath comes ready to go with all software options from day one. No unexpected costs from options or add-ons, a complete solution ready to go when you receive your machine.
Machine Interpolation
Unsure about a tricky move? TruePath allows the user to precisely examine all points of motion, even between programmed points, ensuring completely accurate protection of your machine.
Code Comparison
G-Code Comparison Tool compares edited G-Code to the original TruePath project. Simple changes can be automatically imported back into the TruePath project file to ensure tweaks are reflected in the original source CAM data.
System Requirements
OS:64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 10. See Autodesk’s Product Support Lifecycle for support information.
CPU:Intel® Core i7 or higher
Memory:8 GB RAM
GPU:AMD® or NVIDIA® cards with 1 GB video memory
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