在这篇关于在 Houdini 中创建体积效果的介绍中,高级VFX艺术家Robby Branham介绍了使用VDB、metaball 和 Houdini 的 Cloud FX Shelf 工具等技术创建体积的原则。该课程详细介绍了创建云的基本设置,然后将其用作创建大型 VDB 库的模板——对所有通用 3D 环境都很有用。The Gnomon Workshop – Creating Volumetric Effects with Houdini
这个综合性的视频教程涵盖了静态和动画体积系统的创建,以实现令人信服的行业标准云、雾、霾和烟雾效果。Robby 使用几何和 SOP 工作流程的快速高效方法在创建关键体积形状时提供了最终控制,而他使用体积 VOP 添加微观细节的技术可在创建各种环境体积时广泛使用。
还介绍了封面图的创作,从地形布局和大气元素的应用,到灯光、渲染和最终合成。讨论了 Mantra 和 Redshift 的渲染设置,以及将体积从 Houdini 导出到 Maya 的工作流程。Robby 的静态云、霾、雾和薄雾体积的 VDB 库也可以与 Houdini 文件一起下载,
课程时长:3 小时9分钟 包含项目文件 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译 云桥CG资源站 平台huo取课程)
01 Project Overview
02 Basic – Volumetric
03 Basic – Noise
04 Basic – Metaball
05 VDB
06 Cloud FX Shelf
07 Depth Volumetrics
08 Cloudscape
09 Campfire
10 Chimney
11 VDB Library
12 Exporting to Maya
13 The Making of the Cover Art
In this introduction to creating volumetric effects in Houdini, Senior VFX Artist Robby Branham covers the principles of creating volumes using techniques including VDBs, metaballs, and Houdini’s Cloud FX Shelf tools. The workshop details an essential setup for creating clouds, which is then used as a template to create a large VDB library — useful for all general-purpose 3D environments.
This comprehensive, 12-chapter workshop covers the creation of both static and animated volume systems for convincing, industry-standard cloud, fog, haze, and smoke effects. Robby’s fast and efficient methods using both geometry and SOPs workflows give ultimate control when creating key volumetric shapes, and his techniques for adding micro details with Volume VOPs can be used extensively when creating a variety of environmental volumes.
The creation of the cover artwork is also explained, from the terrain layout and application of atmospheric elements, through to the lighting, rendering, and final composite. Rendering setups for both Mantra and Redshift are discussed, plus the workflow for exporting volumetrics from Houdini to Maya. Robby’s VDB library of static cloud, haze, fog, and mist volumes can also be downloaded with this workshop, along with the Houdini files,
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