释放DSA的力量!解锁数据结构和算法的魔法,将你的编码技能从0转换到精通,欢迎学习使用Python的数据结构和算法的终极综合课程!本课程旨在让你具备在编程和解决问题领域脱颖而出的基本知识和技能。在本课程中,你将深入研究各种数据结构,如堆栈、队列、队列、动态数组、哈希表/字典、二分搜索法树、图形、链表以及测验和编码练习。您将深入了解它们的属性、实现和实际应用。Stack:为空,push,pop,peek,size,displayQueue:为空,enqueue,dequeue,peek,size,display queue:为空,add front,remove front,add rear,remove rear,peek front,peek rear,size,display动态数组:length,get item,append,insert at,pop,remove at,display链表:append,insert,delete,Length,display hashmap/HashTable/Dictionary:find hash,get item,set item,delete item,display二进制搜索树:insert,height,display 获取节点、获取边、相邻、获取度、深度优先搜索算法、连接、显示除了数据结构,本课程还将涵盖至关重要的算法。 您将探索递归的力量,并学习如何将复杂的问题分解成更小的、可解决的部分。递归:示例和代码的工作原理本课程将指导您完成各种排序算法,如:冒泡排序选择排序插入排序快速排序合并排序使您能够有效地组织和排序数据。Data Structures & Algorithms using Python – Ultimate Course
由Vinayak Bhosale创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
Unleash the Power of DSA! Unlock Data Structures & Algorithms Wizardry and Transform Your Coding Skills from 0 to Master
What you’ll learn
Implementation of Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Deques, Dynamic Arrays, Linked Lists, Hashmaps, Binary Search Trees & Graphs
Recursion: Working Principle & Implementation
Implementation of Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort
Implementation of Searching Algorithms: Linear Search (Iterative, Two pointers and Recursive approach), Binary Search (Iterative and Recursive approach)
Interpolation Search & Jump Search
Just a basic knowledge about Python Programming
Welcome to the ultimate comprehensive course on Data Structures and Algorithms using Python! This course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to excel in the world of programming and problem-solving.Throughout this course, you will delve into a wide range of data structures such as stacks, queues, deque, dynamic arrays, hash-maps/ hash-tables/ dictionaries, binary search trees, graphs, and linked lists along with quizzes and coding exercises. You will gain a deep understanding of their properties, implementation, and practical applications.Stack : Is empty, push, pop, peek, size, displayQueue : Is empty, enqueue, dequeue, peek, size, displayDeque : Is empty, add front, remove front, add rear, remove rear, peek front, peek rear, size, displayDynamic Array: Length, get item, append, insert at, pop, remove at, displayLinked List: append, insert, delete, length, displayHashMap/ HashTable/ Dictionary : find hash, get item, set item, delete item, displayBinary Search Tree: Insert, height, display, search, deleteGraph: add node, add edge, remove node, remove edge, get adjacent nodes, get nodes, get edges, is adjacent, get degree, depth first search algorithm, is connected, displayIn addition to data structures, this course will also cover crucial algorithms. You will explore the power of recursion and learn how to break down complex problems into smaller, solvable parts. Recursion: Working principle with example and codeThe course will guide you through various sorting algorithms like:Bubble sortSelection sortInsertion sortQuicksortMerge sortenabling you to organize and order data efficiently.Furthermore, you will master searching algorithms, including:Linear search with iterative, two pointers, and recursive approachesBinary search with iterative and recursive implementationsInterpolation searchJump searchBy the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in data structures and algorithms, empowering you to approach programming challenges with confidence and efficiency. Enroll now and embark on a journey towards becoming a skilled and resourceful developer.© All Rights Reserved
Who this course is for
This course is designed for anyone looking to enhance their programming skills and deepen their understanding of data structures and algorithms. Whether you are a beginner starting your coding journey or an experienced programmer seeking to level up, this course will provide valuable knowledge and practical skills. If you aspire to become a software developer, this course will equip you with the essential tools and techniques to excel in your career. It’s also beneficial for computer science students, coding enthusiasts, and anyone interested in solving problems efficiently and writing optimized code. Regardless of your background or current skill level, this course will guide you step-by-step, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. With a hands-on approach and real-world examples, you’ll gain the confidence to tackle coding challenges and build efficient solutions using data structures and algorithms. No matter where you are in your programming journey, if you have a passion for learning and a desire to become a proficient coder, this course is for you. Enroll now and embark on a transformative learning experience that will set you on the path to success in the world of programming.
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