RedefineFX 推出了名为“The Embergen Bootcamp”的新课程。本课程旨在为3D艺术家提供必要的技能和知识,以使用JangaFX的EmberGen创建体积和粒子效果。


课程时长:9小时50分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:中文发音(机配)+中英文字幕

RedefineFX – Complete Embergen Bootcamp Course

RedefineFX has launched a new course titled “The Embergen Bootcamp”. This course is designed to equip 3D artists with the necessary skills and knowledge to create volumetric and particle effects using EmberGen by JangaFX.

The course promises to be the most complete EmberGen learning experience on the market, covering every main feature in-depth and taking learners from an absolute beginner to an advanced level. It includes continuity and lessons building on top of each other, gradually introducing more advanced concepts, and explaining key concepts through studio-quality examples.

