学习如何使用动作捕捉为视频游戏制作三连击动画。这是针对希望在游戏中使用动作捕捉的动画师的高级课程,详细介绍了Maya的Human IK动作捕捉套件,包括重定向和动画设置。The Gnomon Workshop – Animating a 3-Hit Combo for Games in Maya
Brand Yates是一名在视频游戏领域拥有九年经验的动画师。他分享了如何使用Maya的重定向和HIK系统,并解释了在为AAA游戏制作动画时使用的一些重要高级姿势、时序和分层技术。他还讨论了如何将您的连击扩展到不同的串中,同时确保所有动画流畅衔接——无论玩家输入了什么指令。
课程时长:6小时33分钟 1920X1080 mov 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译)含课程文件 作者:Brandon Yates
Master the art of animating a dynamic three-hit combo for video games utilizing motion capture as your foundation. This workshop is tailored for advanced animators eager to leverage mocap techniques specifically for gaming. Delve into the intricacies of Maya’s Human IK motion-capture package, exploring retargeting and animation settings.
Guided by Brand Yates, a seasoned animator with nine years of experience in the gaming industry, this workshop unveils the secrets of Maya’s retargeting and HIK system. Gain insights into advanced posing, timing, and layering techniques crucial for AAA game animations. Learn how to seamlessly expand your combo into diverse strings, ensuring a cohesive flow regardless of player inputs.
By the end of this workshop, you’ll have the confidence to skillfully employ a combination of animation layers in Maya, along with the Time Editor and Time Warp, to craft a captivating three-hit combo. Elevate your animation skills to achieve AAA game quality effortlessly.
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