本课程的目标是让艺术家掌握Fstorm渲染引擎,以解决大量的情况,如建筑可视化archviz,环境,概念和产品,除了引擎和3dsmax。在课程中,我们偶尔会接触到其他工具,如photoshop,lighroom,multiscatter和BM Fusion。
总共6节课,介绍FSTORM渲染引擎在各种场景中的实际应用,介绍引擎、参数和材料、室内照明、大规模雪地环境、sss角色和运动外观、开发具有数十栋建筑和工作室照明的大规模街道环境,回顾引擎的主要功能和配置,基于在复杂项目中的应用。Artstation – FSTORM RENDER Course
Fstorm在Autodesk 3DSMAX工作。

大小解压后:10.8G 持续时间约 8小时 2552X1440 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)

标题:art station–风暴渲染课程
FSTORM RENDER是ArchViz最强大的纯GPU渲染引擎,也能够处理大规模环境、set扩展和一些VFX项目。

这是一款基于NVIDIA CUDA的QuasiMontecarlo Pathtracer,具有较短的学习曲线,专注于艺术方法,具有真正像照片一样的色调映射响应。


FSTORM RENDER is the most powerful Pure GPU render engine for ArchViz, also capable for massive environment, set extension & some VFX projects.

its a NVIDIA CUDA based QuasiMontecarlo Pathtracer with a short learning Curve, Focused on artistic approach with a true like-photographic Tonemapping response.

Solid for animation & very photoreallistic.


The objective of the course is to allow the artist to master the Fstorm Render engine to solve a great amount of situations such as archviz, environment, concept & product VIZ, besides the engine and 3dsmax in the course we occasionally touch other tools like , photoshop, lighroom , multiscatter & BM Fusion.
In total 6 lessons of practical application of the FSTORM RENDER engine on various scenarios, introduction to the engine, parameters and materials, interior lighting, massive snowy environment, sss character and kinematic look, development of massive street environment with dozens of buildings and studio lighting, reviewing the main functions and configurations of the engine, based on the application on complex projects.
Fstorm works on Autodesk 3DSMAX.



