这是一门实用的编程课程,面向希望提高工作效率的办公室人员、学者和管理人员,如果你是一名办公室职员、学生、管理人员,或者只是想提高计算机的工作效率,编程将允许你编写代码来自动完成单调乏味的任务。Python从零到自动化是为那些想尽快快速编写完成实际任务的小程序的人编写的。你不需要知道排序算法或面向对象的编程,所以本课程跳过了所有的计算机科学,专注于编写完成任务的代码。Python From Zero to Automation
本课程面向完全初学者,涵盖了流行的Python编程语言。您将学习基本概念以及:Web scraping自动化Excel电子表格自动化键盘和鼠标自动化浏览器发送电子邮件和文本以及其他几个实用主题我们将带您一步一步地学习引人入胜的视频教程,并教您成为成功的Python开发人员所需的一切。在本课程结束时,你将能够编写代码,不仅大大提高你的生产力,而且能够把这项新技能添加到你的简历中。
由Luiz Fernando Estivalet创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:147节课(11小时40分钟)|大小:4.14 GB
A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity
What you’ll learn
Automate tasks on their computer by writing simple Python programs
Programmatically generate and update Excel spreadsheets
Scrape web sites and pull information from them
Write programs that can do text pattern recognition with “regular expressions”
Write programs that send out email notifications
Programmatically control the mouse and keyboard to click and type for you
Browser Automation using selenium framework
No programming experience is required
Downloading and installing Python is covered at the start of the course
Basic computer skills: surfing websites, running programs, saving and opening documents, etc
If you’re an office worker, student, administrator, or just want to become more productive with your computer, programming will allow you write code that can automate tedious tasks. Python From Zero to Automation was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. You don’t need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done.The course is designed to take you from a complete beginner in Python to being able to automate tasks using this language. You will start with a short introduction to the basics of the Python programming language, including data types, control structures, functions, and file handling. From there, you will learn more advanced concepts such as regular expressions, web scraping, and desktop and browser automation. This course is for complete beginners and covers the popular Python programming language. You’ll learn basic concepts as well as:Web scrapingAutomating Excel spreadsheetsAutomating the keyboard and mouseAutomating the browserSending emails and textsAnd several other practical topicsWe’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Python developer.By the end of this course, you’ll be able to write code that not only dramatically increases your productivity, but also be able to add this new skill on your resume.
Who this course is for
Office workers, students, small/home business workers, and administrators would want to improve their productivity
Aspiring software engineers who want to add skills to their programming toolbelt
Computer users who have heard the “learn to code” message, but want practical reasons to learn programming
Experienced Python software engineers can skip the first half of the course, but may find the later parts that cover various third-party modules helpful
While this course doesn’t cover specific devops tools, this course would be useful for QA, devops, and admins who want to learn scripting in Python
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