学习使用Unity的面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS)实体组件系统(ECS)构建高性能游戏。在本课程中,您将学习使用Unity的面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS)实体组件系统(ECS)构建高性能游戏的基础知识。游戏开发的传统面向对象编程方法会导致性能瓶颈和效率低下,尤其是当游戏变得越来越复杂时。Unity的DOTS ECS系统旨在通过提供一个面向数据的架构来解决这些问题,该架构可以根据您的游戏需求进行扩展。Unity DOTS ECS: Beginner’s Course
在本课程中,你将首先了解ECS的基本概念,以及它们与传统Unity游戏开发方法的不同之处。您将了解实体、组件和系统,以及它们如何交互来创建游戏对象和行为。从那里,您将进入Unity编辑器来创建和管理实体、组件和系统。您将学习如何使用实体调试器来实时查看和修改实体,以及如何使用拆分编译器来优化您的代码以获得最佳性能。最后,您将编写C#代码来与您的实体和组件交互,包括创建运动和碰撞系统,以及处理输入和玩家动作。您还将了解Unity Physics系统以及如何使用DOTS ECS。本课程结束时,您将已经使用Unity DOTS ECS构建了一个简单的游戏,并对如何使用这一强大的技术堆栈创建快速、可扩展且高效的游戏有了深入的了解。无论您是游戏开发的初学者,还是希望探索新工具和技术的经验丰富的开发人员,本课程都将为您提供开始使用Unity的DOTS ECS系统进行构建的知识和技能。
由Mammoth Interactive创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:5小时10分钟
在Unity Ecs中构建实体
Learn to Build High-Performance Games with Unity’s Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) Entity Component System (ECS).
What you’ll learn
Build Entities In Unity Ecs
Build transformation math for movement
Build Game Physics
Detect collisions with Unity DOTS
This course is amed at a beginner plus or intermediate level.
In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of building high-performance games using Unity’s Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) Entity Component System (ECS).The traditional object-oriented programming approach to game development can lead to performance bottlenecks and inefficiencies, especially as games become more complex. Unity’s DOTS ECS system is designed to address these issues by providing a data-oriented architecture that can scale to the needs of your game.In this course, you’ll start by understanding the basic concepts of ECS and how they differ from traditional Unity game development methods. You’ll learn about entities, components, and systems, and how they interact to create game objects and behaviors.From there, you’ll dive into the Unity Editor to create and manage entities, components, and systems. You’ll learn how to use the Entity Debugger to view and modify entities in real-time, and how to use the Burst Compiler to optimize your code for maximum performance.Finally, you’ll write C# code to interact with your entities and components, including creating movement and collision systems, and handling input and player actions. You’ll also learn about the Unity Physics system and how to use it with DOTS ECS.By the end of the course, you’ll have built a simple game using Unity DOTS ECS and gained a solid understanding of how to use this powerful technology stack to create fast, scalable, and efficient games. Whether you’re a beginner to game development or an experienced developer looking to explore new tools and techniques, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to start building with Unity’s DOTS ECS system.
Who this course is for
Intermediate Unity developers with an interest in cutting edge Unity tech
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