ChatGPT for Business:关于使用ChatGPT和OpenAI开始或扩展业务的初学者到专家指南,你将学习如何创建一个有利可图的企业和企业资产,帮助你脱颖而出,成长。ChatGPT Business Mastery: The Only ChatGPT Course You Need
ChatGPT大师打造非凡商业解决方案!虽然有很多课程侧重于ChatGPT的一般方面,但很难找到像这样的综合课程,它是为初学者设计的,也是为对商业和商业感兴趣的专家设计的。& nbsp网上赚钱。本课程专为希望提高技能、创造创新业务解决方案和赚更多钱的各级企业主而设计——尤其是希望利用ChatGPT开展业务的人。
您将学到什么:了解ChatGPT如何使用ChatGPT和OpenAI创建客户avatar跟随我们的逐步演练,了解我们如何构建ChatGPT业务资产,如销售线索磁铁和课程了解如何使用ChatGPT创业 。为了从你的新技能中赚钱,你将学习营销策略:电子邮件营销活动& amp& nbsp文案撰写YouTube脚本博客撰写社交媒体帖子创建广告等等!提高你的商业技巧,获得客户,赚更多的钱不管你的经验水平如何,也不管你拥有什么类型的企业,这个深入的课程旨在为你提供一切你需要的东西,让你的商业技巧更上一层楼。无论你喜欢从事客户服务、销售还是营销工作,一个优秀的企业主都知道如何使用ChatGPT这样的高级工具来扩展和优化他们的业务。通过磨练这些技能,你可以发展你的业务,这样你就可以将你的激情转化为职业。本课程将向您展示如何做到这一点。
你需要什么:不需要ChatGPT或商业管理的先验知识。指导老师是谁?Julian Sage是一名全职内容创建者和在线企业主,在ChatGPT的大力支持下,他通过销售和营销努力谋生。
由ulian Sage创作
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:46节课(3小时35分钟)|大小:6.6 GB
ChatGPT for Business: A Beginner’s to Expert’s Guide on Starting or Scaling Your Business with ChatGPT and OpenAI
What you’ll learn
You will know how to use ChatGPT if you are a complete beginner
You will know how to start making money with ChatGPT
You will know Prompt engineering using ChatGPT
You will know free extensions to maximize ChatGPT use cases
You will know how to set up a business using ChatGPT
You will know how to create business assets using ChatGPT like lead magnets, video sales letters & ebooks.
You will know how to create marketing materials like emails, blogs, Youtube scripts using ChatGPT
You will know how to build a Q&A support with ChatGPT for your business
You should be excited to learn ChatGPT, and ready to take action!
No paid subscription are required, just an internet connection
No prior knowledge of ChatGPT is required – this course is geared for absolute beginners.
****ALWAYS UPDATED WITH NEW LESSONS****+ Get instant access to 500+ ChatGPT Prompts ($30 value)+ Get access to our exclusive member student ChatGPT community ($100 value)+ Access to professional business recommendations from a business owner doing $50k+/monthThis online ChatGPT business course will teach you how to use ChatGPT to start & scale your business, even if you have no experience. You will learn how to create a profitable business and business assets that help you stand out from the crowd and grow.Master ChatGPT to Create Extraordinary Business Solutions!While there are plenty of courses that focus on general aspects of ChatGPT, it’s hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is designed for beginners to experts who are also interested in business & making money online.This course is designed for all levels of business owners who want to improve their skills, create innovative business solutions, and make more money – especially great for anyone looking to leverage ChatGPT for their business.What will you learn:Understand how ChatGPT worksMaster using ChatGPT and OpenAI to create customer avatarsFollow our step-by-step walkthrough to see how we build ChatGPT business assets like lead magnets and coursesLearn how to start a business using ChatGPT to make money from your new skillsMarketing strategies you will learn:Email campaigns & copywritingYouTube scriptsBlog writingSocial media postsCreating adsand more!Improve Your Business Techniques, Acquire Clients, And Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is or what type of business you own, this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your business skills to the next level.Whether you prefer working in customer service, sales, or marketing, a great business owner knows how to use advanced tools like ChatGPT to scale and optimize their business. By honing these skills, you can grow your business so you can turn your passion into a career. This course shows you how.Unlike other business classes that are more limited in scope, this complete course teaches you how to use ChatGPT and OpenAI to create advanced business solutions that are effective and profitable.Contents and OverviewThis course is aimed at teaching business owners what it takes to improve their business with ChatGPT.You’ll start with the basics and tackle how ChatGPT works, the applications of ChatGPT, and the tools you’ll need for accomplishing your goals. You’ll then dive into the different types of applications of ChatGPT you can focus on.You’ll learn about ChatGPT and OpenAI, including how to build advanced business assets. So you can scale your business, you’ll learn how to create a customer avatar, create a portfolio of business assets and find freelancers who you can work with.By the end of this master course, your confidence as a business owner will soar. You’ll have a thorough understanding of ChatGPT and OpenAI so you can use them to their fullest potential to create innovative and profitable business solutions.What you’ll need:No prior knowledge of ChatGPT or business management is required. Who are the Instructors?Julian Sage is a full-time content creator and online business owner who earns a living from his sales and marketing efforts, with significant support from ChatGPT.
Who this course is for
Anyone who wants to learn how to master ChatGPT
Absolute beginners who want to become skilled with ChatGPT
Moms, dads, kids, grandparents, and anyone else who wants to use ChatGPT in their business or lives
Business owners wanting to grow their business with ChatGPT
Entrepreneurs looking to make money with ChatGPT
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