“使用DALL·E和ChatGPT优化内容创建:掌握AI驱动的视觉效果和对话、文本到图像AI”,“释放 DALL·E、ChatGPT、即时工程和通用 AI 工具的力量:全面的旅程”通过我们包罗万象的“DALL·EA to Z”课程,踏上进入人工智能动态世界的沉浸式旅程。 ‘ 当我们深入挖掘 DALL·E、Chat GPT、Prompt Engineering、通用 AI 和各种 AI 工具的潜力时,探索创造力与技术的迷人融合。您的专业之路从这里开始。Content Creation With DallE And Chatgpt Mastercourse

课程亮点:DALL·E 魔法:掌握视觉表达的艺术深入了解 DALL·E 的迷人世界,从其核心原理到高级魔法。见证将文字转化为迷人图像的魔力,一切尽在您的掌控之中。Chat GPT 对话:触手可及的对话式 AI 通过 Chat GPT 步入对话式 AI 的世界。学习精心设计引人入胜的互动的艺术,并通过人工智能驱动的响应为您的对话注入活力。掌握即时工程:释放精确人工智能响应的力量掌握即时工程的艺术,这项技能使您能够指导人工智能产生精确和期望的结果,无论是设计、讲故事还是解决问题。释放通用人工智能工具:探索充满可能性的世界拓展您的视野,探索大量通用人工智能工具,每种工具都有独特的应用程序。发现人工智能在各个领域和行业中的巨大潜力。我们的独特之处:实践经验:深入实践项目,不仅可以加速您的学习,还可以让您建立一个强大的作品集来展示您新发现的技能。社区协作:加入一个充满活力、支持性的社区,由志同道合的学习者组成,他们渴望探索人工智能的无限潜力。协作、交流想法并获得宝贵的反馈。谁应该报名:渴望了解 DALL·E、Chat GPT、即时工程、通用 AI 和 AI 工具的创新者、创作者和爱好者。内容创作者、数字营销人员和寻求了解的专业人士利用人工智能实现有影响力的解决方案。人工智能的无限可能性让好奇的头脑着迷。完成这门变革性课程后,您不仅会掌握人工智能的力量,还将掌握人工智能的力量。您将充满信心地使用它。制作令人惊叹的视觉效果,与 AI 进行有意义的对话,掌握即时工程,并解锁通用 AI 工具的无数可能性。立即注册并踏上 AI 课程世界的旅程,将自己定位为 DALL·E、聊天专家GPT、即时工程和通用人工智能工具。这是您在不断发展的技术领域引领潮流的机会。把握当下,拥抱未来!

MP4 | 视频:h264,1920×1080 | 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译)| 课程时长:1小时9分钟

DALL·E架构:了解DALL·E 3的架构,包括其神经网络结构。
图像到文本生成:学习如何使用 DALL·E 根据输入图像生成文本描述。
训练数据和预处理:了解训练 DALL·E 所涉及的数据和预处理步骤。


本课程适用于内容创作者:寻求使用 AI 来增强内容制作的内容创作者和营销人员。创意专业人士:作家、艺术家和其他有兴趣使用 DALL·E 获取灵感和内容生成的创意专业人士。任何对 AI 感兴趣的人:具有对人工智能技术及其应用普遍感兴趣。 数据科学家:希望扩展人工智能模型知识以生成创意内容的数据科学家。 平面设计师:对利用人工智能进行设计和视觉内容创建感兴趣的平面设计师。

第一部分:AI 游戏开始

第一讲 人工智能游戏


第 3 课 AI 和类型……什么???


阅读4 AGI


第六讲 ASI

第 3 部分:ChatGPT 和 AI



讲座 9 使用 ChatGPT 编写代码


第 4 部分:DALL-E 开始




第 5 部分:与 DALL-E 合作



第 16 讲 DALL-E 和高级提示

第 6 节:DALL-E 的结论

讲座 17 DALL-E 的关键

“Optimize Content Creation with DALL·E and ChatGPT: Master AI-Driven Visuals and Conversations, Text to Image AI”

What you’ll learn
Basics of Image Generation: Exploring the concept of image generation using neural networks.
DALL·E Architecture: Learning about the architecture of DALL·E 3, including its neural network structure.
Image-to-Text Generation: Learning how to use DALL·E to generate textual descriptions based on input images.
Training Data and Preprocessing: Understanding the data and preprocessing steps involved in training DALL·E.
Text Prompts: Learning how to formulate effective text prompts to generate specific images.
Image Prompts: Understanding how to provide images as prompts for generating textual descriptions.
Image Prompts: Understanding how to provide images as prompts for generating textual descriptions.

No prior experience is needed, just your attention will be appreciated.

“Unlocking the Power of DALL·E, Chat GPT, Prompt Engineering, and General AI Tools: A Comprehensive Journey””Embark on an immersive journey into the dynamic world of AI with our all-encompassing ‘DALL·E A to Z Course.’ Explore the captivating fusion of creativity and technology as we dive deep into the potential of DALL·E, Chat GPT, Prompt Engineering, General AI, and a variety of AI tools. Your path to expertise begins here.Course Highlights:DALL·E Wizardry: Master the Art of Visual ExpressionDelve into the enchanting world of DALL·E, from its core principles to advanced wizardry. Witness the magic of turning words into captivating images, all under your command.Chat GPT Conversations: Conversational AI at Your FingertipsStep into the world of conversational AI with Chat GPT. Learn the art of crafting engaging interactions and breathe life into your conversations through AI-driven responses.Prompt Engineering Mastery: Unleash the Power of Precise AI ResponsesMaster the art of prompt engineering, a skill that empowers you to guide AI in producing precise and desired outcomes, whether it’s designing, storytelling, or problem-solving.General AI Tools Unleashed: Explore a World of PossibilitiesExpand your horizons and explore a plethora of general AI tools, each with unique applications. Discover the vast potential of AI in various domains and industries.What Sets Us Apart:Hands-On Experience: Dive into practical projects that not only accelerate your learning but also enable you to build a robust portfolio showcasing your newfound skills.Community Collaboration: Join a vibrant, supportive community of like-minded learners eager to explore the boundless potential of AI. Collaborate, exchange ideas, and receive valuable feedback.Who Should Enroll:Innovators, creators, and enthusiasts eager to understand DALL·E, Chat GPT, prompt engineering, general AI, and AI tools.Content creators, digital marketers, and professionals seeking to leverage AI for impactful solutions.Inquisitive minds intrigued by the limitless possibilities of AI.Upon completing this transformative course, you’ll not only grasp the power of AI; you’ll wield it with confidence. Craft stunning visuals, engage in meaningful conversations with AI, master prompt engineering, and unlock the myriad possibilities of general AI tools.Enroll today and embark on a journey through the world of AI courses, positioning yourself as an expert in DALL·E, Chat GPT, prompt engineering, and general AI tools. This is your chance to lead the way in the ever-evolving technology landscape. Seize the moment and embrace the future today!

Section 1: AI Game begins

Lecture 1 AI game

Lecture 2 What is AI

Lecture 3 AI and types…what???

Section 2: AI game and players

Lecture 4 AGI

Lecture 5 ANI

Lecture 6 ASI

Section 3: ChatGPT and AI

Lecture 7 What is ChatGPT

Lecture 8 ChatGPT in business

Lecture 9 Code with ChatGPT

Lecture 10 Limitations of ChatGPT

Section 4: DALL-E begins

Lecture 11 What is DALL-E

Lecture 12 Why is DALL-E

Lecture 13 How is DALL-E

Section 5: Work with DALL-E

Lecture 14 DALL-E in work

Lecture 15 DALL-E going big

Lecture 16 DALL-E and advanced prompts

Section 6: Conclusion on DALL-E

Lecture 17 Key to DALL-E

Content Creators: Content creators and marketers seeking to use AI to enhance their content production.,Creative Professionals: Writers, artists, and other creative professionals interested in using DALL·E for inspiration and content generation.,Anyone Curious About AI: Individuals with a general interest in AI technology and its applications.,Data Scientists: Data scientists looking to expand their knowledge of AI models for creative content generation.,Graphic Designers: Graphic designers interested in leveraging AI for design and visual content creation.

