创建一个大型的海洋模拟并不需要让人畏惧。这个3.5小时的介绍性研讨会由丹尼巴恩哈特提供了一个houdini海洋工具集概述,并揭示了如何把你自己的海洋环境生活。他讲述了使用海洋光谱的基础知识,以及每个参数如何与生成的动画海洋表面相关联,首先创建一个大的海洋表面,以显示如何对各种光谱模式进行分层,以及如何创建自定义遮罩和实例化波浪。一旦实现了想要的海洋运动,Danny开始在模拟表面泡沫之前加入简单的环境几何体来增加场景的趣味性和比例。The Gnomon Workshop – Introduction To The Houdini Ocean Toolset
持续时间3.5小时 1920X1080 MP4
Creating a large ocean simulation doesn’t need to be daunting. This 3.5-hour introductory workshop by Danny Barnhart provides an overview of the Ocean Toolset in Houdini and reveals how to bring your own ocean environments to life. He talks through the basics of using ocean spectrums and how each parameter relates to the resulting animated ocean surface, beginning by creating a large ocean surface to show how to layer a variety of spectrum patterns as well as how to create custom masks and instanced waves. Once the desired ocean movement is achieved, Danny starts incorporating simple environment geometry to add interest and scale to the scene before delving into simulating surface foam.
The following project takes the large ocean scene and transitions to a close-up shot that incorporates a FLIP fluid simulation. You’ll discover how to bring in your ocean spectrums and create custom waves to drive your FLIP simulation. Once the FLIP simulation is cached out, Danny discusses how to mesh and extend the simulation, as well as how to create additional ocean spray for the final effect. As the last step, you’ll see how to set up some basic lighting and tweak the ocean shaders in Houdini to render out the two project scenes in Mantra, Houdini’s rendering engine.
By completing this workshop, you’ll have a sound knowledge of the Houdini Ocean Toolset and an understanding of how to customize ocean spectra to create a variety of ocean movements for your future projects.
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