DaVinci Resolve是一款在同一个软件工具中,将剪辑、调色、视觉特效、动态图形和音频后期制作融于一身的解决方案!它采用美观新颖的界面设计,易学易用,能让新手用户快速上手操作,还能提供专业人士需要的强大性能。有了DaVinci Resolve,您无需学习使用多款软件工具,也不用在多款软件之间切换来完成不同的任务,从而以更快的速度制作出更优质的作品。这意味着您在制作全程都可以使用摄影机原始画质影像。只要一款软件,就相当于获得了属于您自己的后期制作工作室!学习和掌握DaVinci Resolve,就能获得好莱坞专业人士所使用的同款制作工具!
DaVinci Resolve是从事影视节目制作高端专业人士的得力助手!它的出色品质和创意工具有口皆碑,它的强大性能亦是业界有目共睹。DaVinci拥有荣获Emmy™艾美奖的32位浮点图像处理技术,获得专利的YRGB色彩科学,以及用于新型HDR工作流程的广色域色彩空间。除此之外,它还能提供有着传奇品质的Fairlight音频处理,为您的作品赋予非同凡响的音质!有了DaVinci Resolve,您就能拥有专业调色师、剪辑师、视效师、音响师所使用的同款制作工具,为您喜爱的电影和网络电视节目提升制作水准!
Davinci Resolve Studio 18.0b2 | 3.1 Gb
支持的语言:英语、葡萄牙语、法语、西班牙语、中文,日本語, Русский
Davinci Resolve设计公司宣布达芬奇解决18b1。此软件更新安装了DaVinci Resolve Studio 18公共测试版,它增加了对Blackmagic Cloud工作流以及DaVinci代理生成器应用程序的支持。
DaVinci Resolve 18需要从DaVinci Resolve 17.4.6和之前的版本升级项目库。我们强烈建议您在执行升级之前备份现有的(基于磁盘和基于PostgreSQL的)项目库。
Davinci Resolve Studio是来自澳大利亚公司Blackmagic Design的专业视频编辑器。该计划有丰富的功能,是一个伟大的选择,无论是专家还是有抱负的创作者。
它的许多营销材料显示,人们用专业工作站连接到它。如果你习惯于使用这些多按钮的庞然大物,Davinci Resolve Studio可能是你的视频编辑器。Blackmagic制造电影行业的硬件和软件,Davinci Resolve Studio是制作高质量视频作品的优秀工具。
DaVinci Resolve 18是一个主要版本,采用基于云的工作流作为远程协作的新方式!您可以使用Blackmagic Cloud托管项目库,并在同一时间线上与全球多个用户实时协作。新的Blackmagic代理生成器自动创建链接到相机原件的代理,以加快编辑工作流程。此外,支持苹果M1超给你一个强大的图像处理引擎,消除昂贵的云计算。有新的解决效果,如超美和3D深度图,改进的编辑字幕,GPU加速融合绘画和实时标题模板播放,Fairlight固定到FlexBus转换等等!
Blackmagic Design发布达芬奇解决方案18.0公测版的直播录像。黑魔云和达芬奇解决18.0本身的覆盖时间从00:12:25开始。
产品:Davinci Resolve Studio 18.0b2
系统要求:Windows * macOs*
大小:mac版本解压后3.68 Gb win解压后 3.94G
Product: Davinci Resolve Studio
Version: 18.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.blackmagicdesign.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: macOs *
Size: 2.9 Gb
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.0b1 | 3.1 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Português, Français, Español, 中文, 日本語, Русский
Blackmagic Design has announced DaVinci Resolve 18b1. This software update install the DaVinci Resolve Studio 18 public beta which adds support for Blackmagic Cloud workflows as well as the DaVinci Proxy Generator app.
In addition, this update adds new Resolve FX such as surface tracker to add effects to flexible moving surfaces, 3D depth map for separating backgrounds and isolating objects, and ultra beauty mode. This update also adds improved subtitling, 5×5 multiview for large multicam projects, Fairlight fixed to FlexBus and GPU accelerated paint in Fusion.
DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.0 Beta 1
Important information regarding project library management
DaVinci Resolve 18 requires a project library upgrade from DaVinci Resolve 17.4.6 and previous versions. We strongly recommend that you backup your existing (disk based and PostgreSQL based) project libraries before performing an upgrade.
Davinci Resolve Studio is a professionally focused video editor from the Australian company Blackmagic Design. The program has a wealth of features and is a great choice, both for experts and aspiring creators alike.
Much of its marketing material shows people with professional workstations hooked up to it. If you’re used to working with these multi-buttoned behemoths, Davinci Resolve Studio may be the video editor for you. Blackmagic makes film industry hardware, as well as software, and Davinci Resolve Studio is an excellent tool for production-quality video work.
DaVinci Resolve 18 is a major release featuring cloud based workflows for a new way to collaborate remotely! You can host project libraries using Blackmagic Cloud and collaborate on the same timeline, in real time, with multiple users globally. The new Blackmagic Proxy generator automatically creates proxies linked to camera originals, for a faster editing workflow. Plus, support for Apple M1 Ultra gives you a powerful image processing engine, eliminating expensive cloud computing. There are new Resolve FX such as ultra beauty and 3D depth map, improved subtitling for editors, GPU accelerated Fusion paint and real time title template playback, Fairlight fixed to FlexBus conversion and more!
The recording of Blackmagic Design’s livestream announcing the public beta of DaVinci Resolve 18.0. Coverage of Blackmagic Cloud and Da Vinci Resolve 18.0 itself starts at 00:12:25.
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. manufactures video products for feature film, post production, and television broadcast industries. Its products include video editing products, professional digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring products, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders and storage solutions, waveform monitors, and real time film scanners. The company’s products also include capture and playback cards, standards conversion products, broadcast converters, audio monitoring products, multiview monitoring products, routing and distribution products, test equipment, H.264 encoding products, and resolve and fusion software. In addition, it offers talkback converters for remote cameras. The company offers its products through authorized resellers and online resellers in Australia and internationally. Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. was founded in 1984 and is based in Port Melbourne, Australia. It has additional offices in Fremont, California; Knutsford, United Kingdom; Singapore; Beijing, China; and Tokyo, Japan
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