功能和设施Autodesk Advance Steel
x64 |语言:英语|文件大小:2.77 GB
操作系统:Microsoft Windows 10周年更新(仅64位)(1607版或更高版本)
CPU:3+ GHz
内存:16 GB
显示分辨率:1920×1080 (1080p) / 3840×2160 (4K)
磁盘空间:建议为磁盘缓存提供9 GB / 1 GB的额外可用磁盘空间。
NET FrameWork:NET FrameWork 4.7版
Advance Steel detailing software is built on the AutoCAD platform. Intelligent 3D modeling tools help you accelerate accurate design and detailing. Speed time to fabrication and construction with tools that automatically generate shop drawings and deliverables.
Features and amenities Autodesk Advance Steel
-Selecting parts of the model: discrete and display selected elements
-Intelligent structural objects: Modeling Quick library objects and wizards
-Stairs , railings, ladders and cages: help to speed the modeling of miscellaneous steel work
-Model-based approval workflow: color code objects based on the approval status
-Steel Parameters: extensive library of parametric connections
-Working with sheet metal: rapid creation of multi-layer elements in a variety of forms
-Defining the properties of welding: Welding automatic or user-defined symbols
-Engine design, steel connection: connection design review in real time
-Produce detailed maps than for construction
-Production data for CNC machine workshop
-Adding tags to automatically and manually after
-Maps clearer for installation in
-Put the list in general arrangement drawings
-Data integration for the entire project
-KISS or output of data via XML
-Cooperation multiple users simultaneously
-Control and document management
System Requirements
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher)
CPU:3+ GHz
Display Resolution:1920×1080 (1080p) / 3840×2160 (4K)
Disk Space:9 GB / 1 GB additional free disk space is recommended for disk cache.
Net FrameWork:NET Framework Version 4.7
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